méihk VOL. VII. No. 4 SEPTEMBER, 1956 The Windmill PUBLISHED BY VAN MUNCHING CO., INC., 6 West 48th St., New York 36, N. Y. Do Our Dlappq Damifq HAVING recently visited the Pacific Coast area I thought it would be interesting to our readers to hear about our strong position in that very important and fast-growing section of our country. In the Southern California market, where we enjoy excellent distribution through two leading wholesale organiza tions, sales for Heineken's continue to show a substantial increase, well above the established sales quotas for this year. In San Francisco, I had occasion to watch the results of our radio spot an nouncement campaign which had been in effect for several months. In coopera tion with the three radio stations we planned merchandising assistance by three mailers to every retail licensee in the terri tory covered by the radio audience. The results have been most gratifying, espe cially in view of the fact that during the recent National Republican Convention, Heineken's was advertised on every bus in the city, on about twenty-four bill boards and with a large number of window displays. We really led the parade, so to say! In visiting our wholesalers together with our own District Manager and other representatives, I cannot help but feel very proud of our achievement. We have the top distributors in the West and these wholesale houses value our account highly because of the importance of the Heine- ken's franchise. I feel that the cordial relations between our wholesalers and our organization will help us to continue to be the leaders in our field! Having such an important franchise to offer, we may expect that our ivhole- salers give us their full attention and up port in furthering the sales of Heine- N^en's and we should not be concerned that this attention is being divided among - other competitive Imported Beers. Mr. and Mrs. Leo van MunchingJr. as they sailed aboard the SS United States on a business trip to Europe. Mr. Leo van Munching, Jr. is Vice President and Division Manager for the Mid-Western area. They plan to visit HollandEngland and France. While in Holland he plans to discuss our enlarged volume of sales of Heineken9s beer with the Brewery Executives. There has been a great deal of discus sion in view of the recently announced beer price increases by various domestic brewers and some other imported beer brands. I am pleased to be able to an nounce that there are no plans to increase prices on Heineken's at this time, either on the wholesale or the retail level. Pursuant to our consistent policy of offering Heineken's to our trade at the lowest possible prices, we believe that our wholesalers and our representatives should take fullest advantage of the reduced price differential betweèn Heineken's and domestic beers, and also, a possible widen ing price difference between Heineken's and other imported beer brands. We expect our wholesalers to maintain their Heineken's prices to the retail trade while every one should see to it that the re tailers also maintain their consumer prices on Heineken's. This policy should no doubt result in many additional sales everywhere. Cordially yours,

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

The Windmill | 1956 | | pagina 1