GEORGIA DISTRIBUTOR DISPLAYS A FINE MERCHANDISING TALENT Although doing business in a state which ranks in 24th place where tax- paid beer sales are concerned - the As sociated Beverages Company of Atlanta has succeeded in elevating Georgia to 14th state in nation-wide sales of Heine- ken's Beer! And sales are still climbing! Now this remarkable achievement is the direct result of outstanding initiative on the part of the company's merchandis- ing-minded president, Mr. Maurice Pep per. This accomplishment is particularly unique in view of the fact that the same aggressive business-getting methods em- t> I {-\TT hm crc\ 1 *7Q 4~1 ofQ ntm ilnKiP jJIkJj UtiCmi \JLgiXIJLiZ.ciClKJxx COTC iTvclIld.JJiC to every Heineken's distributor! There is no inclination for Associated Beverages to "sit back and wait" for Heineken's continuing national advertis ing campaign to create sales for its li censee-customers. Mr. Pepper recognizes that consumers must constantly be re minded of the advertisements they have read at the time and in the place where they may buy it. He also believes licensees are apt to forget that this advertising will be truly working for them IF they make it easy for their customers to buy, keeping an ample stock of Heineken's on hand and letting them know it is there. Because of this progressive thinking, not a single month passes that the com pany's own customers, as well as prospec tive customers, are not bombarded with convincing direct-mail reminders that Heineken's offers them daily unsurpassed opportunities to win "greater profits from every bottle sold. Frequently, available reprints of national magazine advertise ments, or advertising promotion pieces, are mailed personalized by highly orig inal messages (written, we suspect, by Mr. Pepper Occasionally, only a mimeographed message always in Heineken's-green infeon colored paper is mailed. Last September 1st, for instance, each licensee on Associated Beverages' mailing list re ceived a yellow sheet with a Heineken's coaster pasted upon it and also reading: 'YES SIR! WE HAVE IT! Your dis criminating customers WANT it! YOU WANT IT FOR THEM! 'THE WORLD'S FINEST LAGER BEER' THE LARGEST SELLING IMPORTED BEER IN AMERICA THE FAVOR ITE IN GEORGIA." Following that, in October, a green sheet bore a table-tent with a similar hard-hitting message. In addition to this month-after-month activity by direct-mail, each licensee is being constantly encouraged by every in dividual salesman to use the free point-of- sale material and to display Heineken's signs in the most strategic location in their place of business. It is the firm's avowed objective to make every licensed premises a LOCAL advertisement for Heineken's, thus capitalizing to the ut most on the national advertising. According to Mr. Pepper, practically all of the hotels, restaurants, clubs and better-class establishments which serve beverages in the city of Atlanta, carry Heineken's today. He adds, "our package stores, supermarkets, delicatessens, etc., in this city are also enjoying a nice sales- volume of Heineken's Beer from cus tomers who serve it in their homes." He predicts that, even though Heineken's sales in 1955 were approximately 59% better than those in 1954 as a result of winning broad-spread point-of-sale co operation, sales in 1956 will be "bigger and better than ever before in history." A rare snap-shot99 of Associated Bever ages Company9 s president reveals Mr Maurice Pepper enjoying what would seem to be a moment of relaxation! (The Windmill offers heartiest congra tulations to Mr. Maurice Pepper and the Associated Beverage Company, while ex pressing the sincere hope that this may be but the first installment of a continued ((success storywith each succeeding episode revealing a change of locale and a different cast in issues to follow. Your correspondence is invited.) A belated snap-shot of MrLeo van Munching while enjoying a West Indies cruise aboard the steamship Nieuw AmsterdamHe is seen playing gin rummy on the Lido deck with the fabulous Abel GreenEditor-in-Chief of Variety9 as MrsGreen looks onThe empty Heineken's glasses have just been removed from the table by those active Holland-America Line waiters

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The Windmill | 1956 | | pagina 3