On the Spirit *f Christmas V VOLUME 6, NUMBER 1 DECEMBER 1955 The Windmill PUBLISHED BY VAN MUNCHING CO., INC., 6 West 48th St., New York 36, N. Y. Out OJappy. Oamifij: IN the spirit of the holiday season I should like to extend ?ny warm personal greetings to you readers who make up the happy Hein eken family in the United States We at Van Munching Company have every reason to be thankful again in 1955. Our sales during the fiscal year ending November 30th have soared to an all-time high with an increase of 281/2 per cent. In cases this represents an increase of 100,000. This has been achieved by the full support of our many wholesalers and distributors and that of their repre sentatives, the conscientious efforts of our own sales organizationthe assist ance of our advertisingpromotion and publicity staffs, and last but not least, the faithful work and interest shown by our own office staff in New York Still, all this teamwork could not have accomplished the ultimate re sults had it not been for the full and complete cooperation of the Export Department at Heineken's in Amster dam, the technical brewing experts in .Hotterdam, and the Sh ipping Depart- ment for their efficient handling of our ever increasing shipments. These are our reasons for being grateful because if it had not been for everybody's support and help, we would never have been able to mam- tain and enjoy that enviable position that Heineken's has in the United States market. We shall support everyone in his efforts to continue our upivard trend and toe look forward to greater accomplishments.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

The Windmill | 1955 | | pagina 1