VOLUME 5, NUMBER 3 NOVEMBER 1954 HAVING recently returned from a most enjoyable and successful trip to Europef I should like to tell you a little more of the purpose of this trip Wi'th 'our etXnr^gruwiri^mfesroabo urne, consultations with the Directors of Heineken's as well as with their technical staff were importantalso because of further planning for 1955. In order to assure adequate quantities of Heineken s, we were promised that a newly constructed lager cellar known as No51would also be re served exclusively for U. S. ship ments. Ample quantities of point-of- sale materials including dummy dis play bottlesbeautiful glass and gold signswooden shoes, etc. were ar ranged for and shipments will be made very shortly. We spent some time at the Otard Distillery in Cognac at the Chateau de Cognac which proved to be a most imposing old landmark while the Di rectors and staff of the Otard Com pany were most cooperative in prepar ing plans for the distribution of their world famous Otard Cognacs by our company. After seeing the sights in Paris for a few daysa short visit was made to London to visit with Mr. "Sandy" A. B. Grant and his Export Man ager, Capt. de A.-Borg, discussing increased A. B. Grant Scotch Whisky shipments for our growing trade. Returning on the "UNITED STATES," Heineken s seemed to be the largest selling beer on board Cordially yours, m The Windmill PUBLISHED BY VAN MUNCHING CO., INC., 6 West 48th Street, New York City Editor: Phil Algosino Do Our Dlappy Damlfy: A special celebration at the Heineken9s Brewery in Amsterdam on the occasion of the 1,000th brew during 1954. Mr. van Munching congratulates Mr. Jan Gombert Chief Brew Masterin the presence of Heineken9s sales and administrative executives. Never before in Heineken9s history were 1,000 brews made within one year and this took place in the middle of September 1954! In the lower picturea group of technical employees in the brew house proudly toasting this important milestone.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

The Windmill | 1954 | | pagina 1