mx vwy have several good reasons in YY selecting the Boffa organization of Norwalk and Hartford, to in augurate a regular "Windmill" fea- "OUR DISTRIBUTOR OF ture, THE MONTH." Admittedly, there is a certain par tiality because Connecticut is my home state. The best reason, how ever, is the part the of great young endeavors on and aggressive William L. Boffa in furthering the sales of our fine products. His efforts have resulted in a much increased vol ume of sales. We had known Bill Boffa, dynamo of this company, for a long time but only since we became associated through our distributing arrangement have we appreciated his many qual ities. Part of the reason for his suc cessful business lies in his excellent selection of co-workers. The story of W. L. Boffa Inc. is the story of a company that was founded only seven years ago and has since grown to be one of the leading Mr. William Boffa points out some of the interesting information regarding Heineken's Beer to his able right handMr. Herman Yellen. tribute to Bill Boffa who has headed wholesale field and organized the the company since its start in the company bearing his name in 1944. "shortage" year of '44. Bill, only 38 Lines were at a premium at that time and at its inception, the company had years old, is a graduate of George town University. He became asso- one whiskey label, Pennbrook and liquor wholesalers in the state, serv- ciated with the industry in 1941 as a salesman for a Bridgeport whole- mg Fairfield, Litchfield and New Haven Counties. saler covering accounts in Fairfield The progress of the company is a County. Bill decided to enter the a few other wines and cordials. Bill himself and two other men made up the sales force and only accounts in Fairfield County were covered at the start. While Bill was on the road calling on accounts, Stephen Boffa served as general manager, while Judith Para dise was in charge of the office positions which both still hold with the company. Confidence in the future and the expected growth of the bus iness was demonstrated by the selec tion in 1944 of a centrally located office and warehouse on Commerce Street in Norwalk, capable of storing 20,000 cases of liquor, wine and beer. This selection has been more than justified as with the rapid growth of the business in seven years, they can still operate efficiently from this loca tion. In a very short time, new lines were acquired and the Counties of Litch field and New Haven were added to the territory serviced by W. L. Boffa The addition of new lines and Inc. In the heart of Norwalk. Conn., at Commerce Streetthe trucks of W. L. BoffaInc., are parading before the buildings housing the liquor as well as the beer divisions, the twO'Story building with the bay wndow and the annex to the right. a larger territory meant an increase in their sales force. Soon a sales man ager, and twelve salesmen were repre- mmm mm mm

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

The Windmill | 1951 | | pagina 2