PUBLISHED BY VAN MUNCHING Cr CO., INC. 614 West 49th Street, New York City wmm L S&xfóXvXyx-:*^ x-x* axaxax* XvXAXAaxa v &>?XvX#XAXvXv xa axax•y.'.v.v.^ ivXyivXyiir^vX-vv::::.: .•.sw.vMvM r.v.v.\v.\v.y.v.v.y.v.v.v.\v.v.v va\%v%v.\\v.v.v.v.v.'X%\ ;X;XvXvXvX>XvXvXvXA^^ W«W«NSNV^A\%V.V.V.,.V.V.,.#.' MOOOOOOOOMMv v!v>XvX'!Ay>.VAV.%WA%V>.%V w.w «MVAViViV.Wi W-v.y.y.v.-Av.v.v.v.v »X.wr«ywv ^^.v.v.Wv'Xw •ivJURvM*•ww.'.v.'.v.v'/w Iw.AIAIoööcA'AV.*».* i i »y. yv .'•.'.O l-xw®«-:w:-x-x-vaSv.vav: ■•••••••••v.'^va\v.\v.\vXvXvX .v.v.«v. »\vX,X*X,X,v*v.v.v>.y.v.\v.\v AVAV- %VAV,V.VA\VAvXAXv vC'XAXA v.'Av.v.v.v.v.v.'iQOv XA&XyXy^ •éA*.%#rA\\vA\VAv.vX*-v." X A! A!A!A*A'.v.v.v.v.•••■v. «%v. «iV.v.v,,«-• »p-.'.*.*.'.'.*.*n•aVa-nVnf1WP*n' A'.'.'.'A^gj •V.Vr.V.ViViV S'^ V V V V V VVAV.V.W.VAVA SMvCAXAv.w.w.vCv.w.v. ywo,',' Ax-x-XA'AyASy-vAv.-: AV.V.W.V,SV».V.V.V y v'**v v A'AVCvX V.W.'. VOLUME 3, NUMBER Editor: Albert Balirik MAY, 1951 t •.•.•.O.*.' i t V.t ,^i v~*. i AT. |T# ii. a ri ViV.nYi i i i V 1 I .AAA «.....«A" 1 M W I,, ■MUL'...1 •....•..I....||||,i,ll..a ••...a............. pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. M. Honig at the famous Brussels Restaurant in New York. visited the West Coast and Chicagosoever on his waistlineThis Mr. Honig has expressed his great be good publicityI ould appreciation for our still-growing Mr. Gombert and I will attend the PRING is in the air and May is volume sales and I have taken a bow 75th Diamond Jubilee Annual Brew- here. What nicer tune could there on behalf of all of you. Presently we ers Convention in St. Louis as the be for the Heineken s beer selling or- have with usMr. J. GombertTech- special guests of the U. ganizationl We see tulips and hya- nical Manager of the Breweries in Foundation and shall Brewers visit some cinths, the Dutch national flowers, Amsterdam and Rotterdam or com- wholesalers before we return to New in bloom and, many of you are en- monly known as the Head Brew York. joying these tulips. We had quite a busy session in New York ever since the Wine and Master. We expect to do a large volume of It occurred to me that he is more sales this month and so, give us your than a walking advertisement for full support. Spirits Wholesalers of America, Inc. Heineken syoung, trim, and also Convention took place with many contrary to what you would expect visitors from all over the country. In a brew master to look likeHe makes addition, we had the pleasure of hav- you understand that his appearance Cordially yours, ing with us for several days, Mr. is the result of hard work but quickly M. Honig, Senior Managing Director adds that the daily tasting and dnnk- of the Heineken s Company, who also ing of Heineken s has no effect what-

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

The Windmill | 1951 | | pagina 1