In the bottom of a large casserole
or Dutch oven fry pound bacon
slices, cut into small pieces, until the
bacon is crisp. Remove the bacon and
in the fat brown 3 pounds beef, cut in
large cubes, and 6 large onions, sliced.
Stir in 2 cans tomato paste and 2 pint
bottles of ale. Add the fried bacon and
salt and pepper, cover and simmer
slowly for 2 hours, stirring occasion
ally. Just before serving add 1 table
spoon paprika and stir for 2 minutes.
Serve with broad egg noodles.
In a mixing bowl combine Rj cup
olive oil, cup beer, 2 eggs, well
beaten and 2 cups milk. Sift together
3 cups flour, 4 teaspoons baking pow
der, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons
sugar and, if desired, Vi teaspoon nut
meg. Add the sifted dry ingredients
gradually to the liquid mixture, stir
ring only enough to mix the ingred
ients. Spoon or pour in "cakes" onto
a hot griddle. Fry on one side until
full of bubbles, turn and fry on the
other side. Beer pancakes should be
slightly crunchy on the edges and very
tender in the center. Serve with butter
and maple syrup or honey.
We shall be represented at the an
nual national convention of the Na
tional Beer Wholesalers' Association
to be held at the Palmer House in
Chicago, December 11-14, 1949, with
a display room No. 804 on the eighth
floor of the Palmer House.
Everyone is invited to pay us a
Continued from page 3)
much more difficult the postwar pe
riod has proven to be to obtain the
necessary materials and ingredients to
brew Heineken's in its fullest glory.
The many restrictions and govern
ment regulations are, each in itself, a
hindrance to an industry as compli
cated as brewing. It was music to my
ears to hear of the tremendous strides
in the export shipments to all parts
of the world and the fact that Hein-
eken's this year for the first time in
its history was the largest export
brewer in Europe. I admired their
new trailers and gaily painted trucks.
In short, there was a general feeling
of return to hope of peace and pros
perity that one sensed throughout the
entire Heineken's organization.
DACK in Amsterdam at the Ex-
port Department's offices, we dis
cussed at great length how our future
planning should be and Mr. Mey-
marshusen, the able assistant to Mr.
ter Haar, indeed had his hands full
making the minutes of all these meet
On the lighter side, there were ar
ranged pleasant dinner parties for
Mrs. van Munching and myself, in
the homes of the executives in the
typical old-fashioned atmosphere of
hospitality for which the Dutch are
so well known. Unfortunately, our
stomachs, used to the plain American
food, sometimes became rebellious at
this generosity so that good old
American bicarbonate of soda had to
be called in for help. It gives one a
proud feeling when, walking through
the main streets of Amsterdam or
Rotterdam to find all the familiar
Heineken advertising signs every
It has taken Heineken's many,
many years to become the leaders in
their field in Holland and it should
be an inspiration to us not to become
impatient while continuing to build
the Heineken's business in this coun
try. One thing stood out in our minds
and that is the way Heineken's is
being served on draft and how much
care is being given to the retail out
lets in serving it at its best. What a
job we still have to do here!
As the time drew near to get on
board the KLM plane which flew me
safely back to New York, both my
wife and myself felt how short we
actually had been in Holland but
then, how much we look forward to
being back in our own country, in
our own home, with our own chil
dren and at last among our own or
ganization in this great country, the
L. van Munching
Please come to see our Booths Nos. 342-343 on the third floor of the 34th National Hotel
Exposition which is being held at Grand Central Palace in New York City from November
7m 11 f 19 4 9
We certainly hope to see those of you who will be in New York at that time.