PUBLISHED BY VAN MUNCHING Cr CO., INC. 614 West 49th Street, New York City
i t
H i i
l 4
Editor: Albert Balink
a r
AVING safely returned from a
most enjoyable and interesting
visit to the Heineken s organization in
Holland with a short trip to the
Whitbread's Brewery in London
can say that I am very glad to be back
at my desk to take up my interesting
and pleasant task of making the prod
ucts which we proudly represent big
ger and larger sellers than heretofore.
Among other things, I took the
opportunity on this visit to discuss
with our friends abroad the future
planning and budgets which would
insure greater volume for the coming
year. I am glad to say that these dis
cussions resulted in further substan
tial appropriations for advertising,
promotion, etc. for the year 19 50.
will please everyone to know how
much our sales are being appreciated,
not only by the Heineken officials but
by the Government of The Nether
lands as well. As an illustration, I
was told of a very important meeting
T^HROUGHOUT this country Van
A Munching Co. has its represen-
at work, presenting them
selves and their sales talks at distribu
tors' meetings, working with sales
men and talking to customers carry
ing the gospel of quality to all.
Time was when Heineken's Hol
land Beer was approached from the
angle of price, a barrier some salesmen
considered insurmountable. Today,
the effect of the superb quality of
Heineken's Beer on the trade has re
sulted in some of the most unusual
gives us a nice warm feeling to
hear about accounts located in the
products will also become leaders in
their Reid of imported English malt
beverages in the United States.
Delancy Street on the Lower East
Side that purchase Heineken's
quantities of from 25 to 50 cases at
one time. The point we intend is
quite clear, i.e., the public in all in-
With these outstanding products,
cannot see how we can fail in our come brackets appreciates quality.
efforts but we need the support of
every one of you who read this letter.
To salesmen of our distributors
throughout the United States,
With the E.G.A. Marshall Plan offi- We know that in order to succeedshould like to point out that the
cials at which several hundred out- we need your friendship and your ef- Heineken customer may be found in
standing Holland industrialists were forts. In return, I assure you that we some rather strange places incompat-
being told of the opportunities in shall not only appreciate these efforts ible with the price of the item but
America for their exports. Heineken's hut will do all in our power to re- stiH appreciative of the great qualities
was cited by the American official as
the outstanding example as to what
Netherland export Rrms could ac
complish if they knew how. It fur
ther pleased me to hear that for the
year 1949, the Heineken Breweries
ere the largest export brewer in con-
ward you for same.
We indeed have much to be thank
ful for and wish the best of every
thing for you and your family.
that keep Heineken's Beer the leader.
People have described Heineken's
that doesn't give me a head,
Cordially yours,
tmental Europe
has happened
the Rrst time this
N London, I had the pleasure of
making the acquaintance of the
executives of the Whitbread brewing
organization and I must say that this
is indeed an impressive brewery.
Leo van Munching,
the beer
doesn't fill me up" but the descrip
tion we like best is that of the man
in Harlem (yes, we sell Heineken's
there too) who crowed "it goes down
like velvet but comes up like whis
key." How true!
The pride that goes with selling
a fine product makes Heineken's a
much sought after item by distribu
tors and oulets and our thanks to the
distributors and their salesmen who
feel sure that
years to come their October 28, 1949
President keep it in such a desirable position.