"Vf"OST of the Dutch bulbs which
will be planted throughout the
United States this Fall are arriving
this month and early October through
the various ports of the United States.
It is interesting to know that a
large shipment arrived on the
PRINS MAURITS (see Page 1)
which also carried several thousand
cases of Heineken's and arrived in
Chicago on September 2nd. By ship
ping direct into Chicago, it saves Mid
western gardeners a substantial sum
over the cost of shipment through
New York, just as it saves Mid
western retailers a substantial sum to
bring in Heineken's Beer that way.
Snowdrops Bloom First
In its cargo, in the bulb depart
ment, are the earliest Spring flowers
which will bloom next Spring, first
in the florists' and park greenhouses,
next in the public and private gar
dens. The first ten weeks of the gar
den season are dominated by flowers
grown from bulbs.
Snowdrops and crocuses, typical
Dutch early flowers, bloom first, long
Continued from page 2)
mestic beers, still finds a constantly
growing demand. Brother, that means
the public appreciates quality!"
Nor is Heineken's beer the exclu
sive reason why he liked his associ
ations from the beginning. Mr. Con
nelly married Stella Smith in 1939,
then secretary to the sales manager of
Austin Nichols. They have two boys,
Paul who is six and Kenneth who is
three years old. The only hobby
Jimmy has (time for) is selling
Heineken's, except for the time he
takes off on week-ends remodeling
an old farmhouse he picked up for
a song at Westbrook, Conn, ten years
ago. It is a nice place with ten acres
of ground. He does not plan to raise
my cows or chickens there. "Just
children,'' he says.
The Editor
before any wild flowers appear and
show their colors as soon as frost
leaves the ground. They will give you
a thrill such as none of the far more
splendid flowers which appear in
June can equal. If crocuses are planted
in the grass, borders, or massed in
beds, blue and yellow together, they
provide early color in your garden
while planted a few inches deep, they
are frozen hard each Winter but are
as hardy as the Dutch. The daffodils,
hyacinths bloom just after the cro
cuses and then the tulips appear in
all their glory and color until the end
of May.
Thus the first ten weeks of the gar
den season depend for the floral
beauty upon another typical and out
standing product of the Netherlands
brought over for your enjoyment,
such as is the case with Heineken's.
Should anyone like to have more in
formation about Dutch bulbs, we
may be able to help you get some.
Heineken's Beer has been sup
plied exclusively to the person
nel of the Royal Dutch Navy
for many years.
In addition to the railroads
previously mentioned, Heine
ken's is now being served on the
Union Pacific, supplied through
Capitol Liquors, Inc. of Omaha,
In the recent large advertis
ing campaign by the Glass Con
tainer Manufacturers Institute
of New York, a reproduction of
the Heineken crown cork was
shown among other leading
American beers using non-re
turnable bottles.
During one of the well-
known Henry Morgan radio
programs, a little Heineken man
was introduced as part of a ra
dio skit.
A new paint job on a special draft beer truck in use by our distributor in Chicago.