xAg Si WSSSSSB® IvX-Xv «xxv: nX-X-X .'.v. •v.*. 3sv. «NSSV 56WÖWÖÖ0C wOOOOOOvs ÖQQQG '•NV us in the national sales and promo tion in various parts of the country. We have found it most advantageous to build Heineken's sales with distri butors who have well trained sales organizations of which some have driver salesmen calling directly on the retail trade. Heineken's Beer is brewed under very careful conditions with special home grown barleys from fields con trolled by the Netherlands Govern ment and under supervision by the Brewery from the finest Saazer hops and the world renowned perfect yeast culture by Heineken's laboratories. The aging period of four months has made Heineken's a brew by itself, is delicate both in color and quality. If overchilled or otherwise abused, it may show cloudiness, but in general e beer has characteristics that no American brewer has been able to reproduce while the alcohol percent age adds to the firmness of body and foam. It is responsible for the pleas ant reaction by the consumer. Although we have not completed our national distribution, we are very proud to state that Heineken's Beer res- is found in the leading places, taurants, clubs and bars, not only in the New York and East Coast area but also throughout the Middle West, the West Coast and Florida. We know of a great number of prominent people and celebrities who go out of their way to purchase Heineken's. Among the movie stars preferring rxeineken s are Clark Gable, Herbert Marshall, William Powell, Hum phrey Bogart, Lauritz Melchior, Sonja Henie, Rosalind Russell and Bette Davis. 1 id You Know That. You should see the crowds at Brussels Restaurant on East the Astor Bar on Times Square 56th St., your HEINEKEN'S is go for HEINEKEN'S on draft! always there to add to your en joyment in New York. Whether you see the horses or run at Tropical, Hialeah, Gulf Stream in Florida, Santa Anita in California, in Chicago or points East, there is always Adolph Flashner, the con genial host at the famous KING OF THE SEAS Rest aurant in New York features Heineken to greet you Heineken's to the trons who many pa Whether you go for a big, juicy steak at Gallagher's Steak lobster fs h and enjoy royal his famous family of House whether on 52nd Street or you prefer The smart supper Club, Park Chinese Avenue Restaurant on East food at Lum Fong's, or one of 52nd Street features HEINE- the continental dishes at the KEN'S exclusivelv? Anyone selling Heineken Beer can be proud of the fact that Heine ken is among the finest beers ever brewed anywhere stands to rea son. A 300 years' experience is in back of it. Heineken's brew masters are interested in one thing only, brewing the finest lager that can be poured out of a vat. They have a precious heritage to live up to. When they drink it people will know that Heineken's, indeed, is the peer of all beers. The Home of Van Munching Co., at 614 West 49th Street, New York City, head quarters of the HHF (Happy Heineken's Family) in the United States. lllliiili; Élilii

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

The Windmill | 1949 | | pagina 2