To the Shareholders 57 Introduction The Audit Committee met four times. Sustainability Review Report of the Supervisory Board Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Executive Board The Supervisory Board furthermore visited South Africa together with the Executive Board and the President AMEE. The General Managers of the operating companies in South Africa, Namibia and Ethiopia presented an update on business performance and the organisational risks and opportunities in their local organisation and markets. In addition, a market visit to customers and consumers provided insights in the local commercial environment The Supervisory Board also visited the brewery in Johannesburg and interacted with many colleagues in the business. The Chief People Officer also attended the programme in South Africa and presented an update on various topics. To ensure permanent education, the Supervisory Board is provided with regular deep dives on strategic topics of the Company, both in the meetings of the Supervisory Board as well as in the meetings of the committees of the Supervisory Board. The education is provided by internal as well as external experts. By way of external education, in October 2023, a presentation was provided by a professor of IMD on people topics, including health and well-being and the drivers for successful employee engagement and employee performance. In addition to the foregoing, the following deep dives were discussed in 2023: - The announced sale by FEMSA of its shareholding in the Company and Heineken Holding N.V., and the subsequent participation of the Company in these transactions. In these deliberations, Mr. de Carvalho and Mr. Das excused themselves from participating in line with their potential conflict of interest due to their roles as members of the Board of Directors of Heineken Holding N.V. - An update on corporate governance developments including the new Corporate Governance Code, and an update of the Regulations of the Supervisory Board and the Committees. - The impact of inflation and supply chain disruptions on the Company and the required business measures and mitigations. - The Global People strategy, including succession planning, the inclusion and diversity strategy and talent management. - Various business development related projects. - The strategy to design a competitive and sustainable supply chain for Europe. - The strategy for specific markets, including a deep dive on the United States. - The strategy of Global Commerce, with additional attention to the Company’s portfolio in various regions and markets. - Digital Technology, with additional attention placed on digital transformation programs and cybersecurity. - Share price developments of the Company, also compared to competitors and peers in the FMCG industry. The Chairs of the various Committees of the Supervisory Board provided an update of each of the Committee meetings to the full Supervisory Board, focusing on the key topics and developments that were discussed. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board met frequently with the CEO throughout the year and kept the Supervisory Board informed. One Executive Session was dedicated to the evaluation of the Supervisory Board relating to the performance, working methods, procedures and functioning of the Supervisory Board, its Committees and its individual members as well as the functioning of the Executive Board and its individual members. The evaluations were conducted on the basis of individual interviews of the Supervisory Board members with the Chairman. The discussions provided for open conversations and for depth and breadth of the topics discussed. The periodic use of an external facilitator to guide the evaluation of the Supervisory Board will continue to be considered in the future. Regular Executive Sessions were held without the Executive Board being present. The purpose of these sessions was to evaluate the Supervisory Board meetings and, where relevant, further reflect on particular subjects discussed at the meetings. The evaluation discussion covered topics such as the composition and expertise of the Supervisory Board, the fulfilment of the advisory and supervisory role of the Supervisory Board, the role of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the topics discussed in the meetings, the frequency and quality of the meetings, the quality and timeliness of the meeting materials and the relation and ways of working with the Executive Board. The company culture was also discussed. The outcome of the evaluations was discussed in a meeting of the Supervisory Board. The outcome was very positive and showed that the Supervisory Board members indicated that the Board functions very well. A shared conclusion was also that there is room for open and constructive discussions, well facilitated by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. The members underlined that the Chairman fosters harmony in the Supervisory Board and enables an inclusive, effective and positive environment. The evaluation also showed that the fruitful and constructive relation between the Supervisory Board and Executive Board is highly appreciated and valued. Various suggestions for enhancement of the ways of working of the Supervisory Board were made in the evaluations and will be implemented in 2024. As an example, the Supervisory Board has suggested deep dives on various strategic and emerging topics with the Executive Board, including in the commerce area and developments in the alcohol landscape. The Supervisory Board would also appreciate a continuation of the internal and external education, including on topics such as sustainability and digital and technology including AI. Furthermore, a few changes in the set-up of the Committees were implemented to align the skills and expertise of all members to the right Committees. Committees The Supervisory Board has five Committees: the Preparatory Committee, the Audit Committee, the Selection and Appointment Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Sustainability and Responsibility Committee. The Regulations for the Committees are available on the Company’s website. The function of the Committees is to prepare the decision-making of the full Supervisory Board. The full Supervisory Board retains overall responsibility for the activities of the Committees. The Committee prepares decision-making by the Supervisory Board on matters not already handled by any of the other committees, such as in relation to acquisitions and investments. The Chairman of the Executive Board also attends the Preparatory Committee meetings. Audit Committee Composition: Mrs. Helmes (Chair), Mr. Huët, Mr. Camacho Beltran (member until 15 February 2023), Mrs. Arnold (member until 20 April 2023) and Mrs. Ripley. The members collectively have the experience and financial expertise to supervise the Executive Board in its activities in relation to the publication of Financial Statements and operation of the internal risk management and control systems, including the risk profile of the Company. The Executive Board attended all meetings, and so did the external auditor, the Executive Director Global Audit, as well as the Senior Director Global Accounting and Risk Management. Preparatory Committee Composition: Mr. Huët (Chairman), Mr. de Carvalho, Mr. Das and Mr. Fernandez Carbajal (member until 15 February 2023). The Preparatory Committee met six times. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023

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