50 Corporate Governance statement Introduction Each share confers the right to one vote. Blank votes shall be considered as not having been cast. Sustainability Review Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Supervisory Board Report of the Executive Board Voting All resolutions of the AGM shall be adopted by an absolute majority of the votes cast, except for those cases in which the law or the Articles of Association prescribe a larger majority. The Executive Board may determine in the convocation notice that any vote cast prior to the AGM by means of electronic communication shall be deemed to be a vote cast in the AGM. Such a vote may not be cast prior to the record date. A shareholder who has cast his or her vote prior to the AGM by means of electronic communication remains entitled, whether or not represented by a holder of a written power of attorney, to participate in the AGM. Minutes The proceedings in the AGM shall be recorded in minutes taken by a secretary to be designated by the chairman of the meeting. Upon request, the record of the proceedings of the AGM shall be submitted to shareholders, ultimately within three months after the conclusion of the meeting. Resolutions to be adopted by the AGM The AGM has authority to adopt resolutions concerning, inter alia, the following matters: - Issue of shares by the Company or rights on shares (and to authorise the Executive Board to resolve that the Company issues shares or rights on shares) - Authorisation of the Executive Board to resolve that the Company acquires its own shares - Cancellation of shares and reduction of share capital - Appointment of Executive Board members - The remuneration policy for Executive Board members - Suspension and dismissal of Executive Board members - Appointment of Supervisory Board members - The remuneration policy for Supervisory Board members - The remuneration of Supervisory Board members - Suspension and dismissal of Supervisory Board members - Appointment of the Delegated Member of the Supervisory Board - Adoption of the financial statements - Granting discharge to Executive and Supervisory Board members - Dividend distributions - A material change in the corporate governance structure - Appointment of the external auditor - Amendment of the Articles of Association, and - Liquidation. Resolutions on a major change in the identity or character of the Company or enterprise shall be subject to the approval of the AGM. This would at least include (a) the transfer of the enterprise or the transfer of practically the entire enterprise of the Company to a third party, (b) the entering into or the termination of a lasting co-operation of the Company or a subsidiary with another legal entity or company or a fully liable partner in a limited partnership or general partnership, if such co-operation or termination is of fundamental importance to the Company and (c) acquiring or disposing of a participation in the capital of a company by the Company or a subsidiary amounting to at least one-third of the amount of assets according to the Company’s consolidated balance sheet plus explanatory notes as laid down in the last adopted Financial Statements of the Company. Article 10 of the EU Take-Over Directive Decree Shares The issued capital of the Company amounts to €921,604,180.80, consisting of 576,002,613 shares of €1.60 each. Each share carries one vote. The shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam. All shares carry equal rights and are freely transferable (unless provided otherwise below). Shareholders who hold shares on a predetermined record date are entitled to attend and vote at the AGM. The record date for the AGM of 25 April 2024 is 28 days before the AGM, i.e. on 28 March 2024. Shares repurchased by the Company for the share based Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) or for any other purpose do not carry any voting rights and dividend rights. Law on the Conversion of Bearer Shares As of 1 July 2019, the Dutch Law on the Conversion of Bearer Shares (Wet omzetting aandelen aan toonder) has entered into effect. All (bearer) shares in the Company’s authorised capital have already been registered as per earlier amendment of the Articles of Association. However, there still are share certificates for bearer shares circulating which are eligible for submission with the Company. Any holder of certificates for bearer shares submitting its share certificates with the Company before 2 January 2026, shall receive a corresponding amount of registered shares by the Company as per the transitory provisions laid down in Article 18 of the Articles of Association. Substantial shareholdings Pursuant to the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht) and the Decree on Disclosure of Major Holdings and Capital Interests in Issuing Institutions (Besluit melding zeggenschap en kapitaalbelang in uitgevende instellingen), the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets has been notified about the following substantial shareholdings regarding the Company: - Mrs. C.L. de Carvalho-Heineken (holds indirectly 50.005% of the issued share capital of the Company; the direct 50.005% shareholder is Heineken Holding N.V.). Further details can be found in the Annual Report of Heineken Holding N.V. Pursuant to Dutch law, the Company received 12,037 certificates for bearer shares without consideration on 31 December 2020. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023 Chairman of the AGM The AGM shall be presided over by the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board or, in his absence, by one of the Supervisory Board members present at the meeting, to be designated by them in mutual consultation. If no members of the Supervisory Board are present, the meeting shall appoint its own chairman.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2023 | | pagina 50