46 Supervisory Board Corporate Governance statement Introduction Sustainability Review Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Supervisory Board Report of the Executive Board Diversity We strive to embrace diversity in everything we do, as also recognised and described in the Diversity Policy of the Supervisory Board, Executive Board and Executive Team. The Policy was updated in December 2021 and is available on our corporate website. The Policy considers the elements of a diverse composition in terms of nationality, gender, age and background, including expertise and experience. It is the aim of the Company to reflect this in the composition of the Supervisory Board, Executive Board and Executive Team. For the Executive Board, appropriate weight is placed on diversity considerations in the selection and appointment process, while taking into account the overall profile and selection criteria for the appointments of suitable candidates to the Executive Board. The aim is that the Executive Board comprises of at least 30% male and at least 30% female members, as set out in the Diversity Policy. Currently, the Executive Board is composed of two male members. It is recognised that the current composition of the Executive Board leaves room for improvement on gender diversity. Mr. Van den Brink and Mr. Van den Broek are in their first four-year term as members of the Executive Board, being appointed in 2020 and 2021 respectively. A proposal for the re-appointment of Mr. Van den Brink for a second four-year term as member of the Executive Board will be submitted to the AGM in 2024. Members of the Executive Board are not allowed to hold more than two supervisory board memberships or non-executive directorships in a Large Dutch Entity. Acceptance of such external supervisory board memberships or non-executive directorships by members of the Executive Board is subject to approval by the Supervisory Board, which has delegated this authority to the Selection and Appointment Committee. However, the composition is also impacted by the limited size of the Executive Board. In the event of succession planning, we will continue to look for opportunities to strengthen the gender diversity in the Executive Board. For the Company, increasing the gender diversity in the Company's senior management is a key priority. Details on diversity and inclusion in the Company and in the senior management group of the Company can be found on page 161 of this Annual Report. This section also sets out the goals of the diversity and inclusion policy, the strategy to achieve the goals and the results of the strategy. Conflict of Interest The Articles of Association and the Code prescribe how to deal with (apparent) conflicts of interest between the Company and members of the Executive Board. A member of the Executive Board shall not take part in any discussion or decision-making that involves a subject or transaction in relation to which he has a personal conflict of interest with the Company. Any such decision shall be published in the Annual Report for the relevant year, along with a reference to the conflict of interest and a declaration that the relevant best practice provisions of the Code have been complied with. Remuneration In line with the remuneration policy adopted by the AGM, the remuneration of members of the Executive Board is determined by the Supervisory Board, upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee. For the Supervisory Board, the diversity details are set out on page 54 of this Annual Report as well as in the Report of the Supervisory Board in this Annual Report. In 2023, no transactions were reported under which a member of the Executive Board had a conflict of interest that was of material significance. Decisions to enter into transactions under which members of the Executive Board have conflicts of interest that are of material significance to the Company and/or the relevant member(s) of the Executive Board require the approval of the Supervisory Board. The remuneration policy and the elements of the remuneration of Executive Board members are set out in the Remuneration Report and Notes 6.5 and 13.3 to the Financial Statements. The main elements of the service agreements with Mr. Van den Brink and Mr. Van den Broek are available on our website. General The role of the Supervisory Board is to supervise the management of the Executive Board and the general affairs of the Company and its affiliated enterprises, as well as to assist the Executive Board by providing advice. The supervision of the Executive Board by the Supervisory Board includes the achievement of the Company’s objectives, the culture in the Company, the corporate strategy and the risks inherent in the business activities, the design and effectiveness of the internal risk and control system, the financial reporting process, compliance with primary and secondary legislation, the Company-shareholder relationship and corporate social responsibility matters that are relevant to the Company. The Supervisory Board evaluates at least once a year the corporate strategy and main risks to the business, the result of the assessment by the Executive Board of the design and effectiveness of the internal risk management and control system, and any significant changes thereto. Supervisory Board members are appointed by the AGM from a non-binding nomination drawn up by the Supervisory Board. The AGM can dismiss members of the Supervisory Board by a majority of the votes cast, if the subject majority at least represents one-third of the issued capital. In discharging its role, the Supervisory Board shall be guided by the interests of the Company and its affiliated enterprises and shall take into account the relevant interest of the Company’s stakeholders. Composition of the Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board consists of nine members since the AGM in 2023: Jean-Marc Huët (Chairman), Maarten Das, Michel de Carvalho, Pamela Mars- Wright, Marion Helmes, Rosemary Ripley, Nitin Paranjpe, Beatriz Pardo and Lodewijk Hijmans van den Bergh. The Supervisory Board endorses the principle that the composition of the Supervisory Board shall be such that its members are able to act critically and independently of one another and of the Executive Board and any particular interests. Each Supervisory Board member is capable of assessing the broad outline of the overall strategy of the Company and its businesses and carrying out its duties properly. Given the structure of the Heineken Group, the Company is of the opinion that, in the context of preserving the continuity of the Heineken Group and ensuring a focus on long-term sustainable value creation, it is in its best interest and that of its stakeholders that the Supervisory Board includes a fair and adequate representation of persons who are related by blood or affinity in the direct line descent to the late Mr. A.H. Heineken (former Chairman of the Executive Board), or who are members of the Board of Directors of Heineken Holding N.V., even if those persons would not, formally speaking, be considered ‘independent’ within the meaning of best practice provision 2.1.8 of the Code. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023 Best practice provision 2.2.1 of the Code recommends that an Executive Board member is appointed for a maximum period of four years and that a member may be re-appointed for a term of not more than four years at a time. In compliance with this best practice provision, the Supervisory Board has drawn up a rotation schedule to avoid, as much as possible, a situation in which Executive Board members retire at the same time.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2023 | | pagina 46