21 Raise the bar on sustainability and responsibility Social Bringing our purpose to life in the communities Walking the talk on the path to an inclusive, fair and equitable world Forbes ESI Embrace inclusion and diversity A fair and safe workspace Introduction Sustainability Review Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Supervisory Board Report of the Executive Board We are raising the bar to create a fair and safe workplace and to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. This means achieving gender balance at senior levels, paying our employees a fair wage and demanding fair living and working standards for third-party employees and brand promoters. Our safety, health and well-being strategy aims to embed a leading safety culture and our social impact initiatives are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. ^HEINEKEN INDUSTRY TOP S GLOBAL TOP 100 WORLD'S BEST EMPLOYERS To reach this goal, our plan is to set up DEI councils across all operating companies to fully embed DEI. Council members work with the local managing director to support the delivery of the global DEI strategy. By the end of 2023, 75% of our operating companies had a DEI Council in place. We are levelling the playing field for women and men through global initiatives, including: - WIN (Women Interactive Network), a leadership development programme that aims to level the playing field for women at HEINEKEN. To this date, We think inclusion starts with courageous leadership and that we all have a role to play to champion a culture of belonging. In 2023, 99.8% of our managers completed the All- Inclusive Leadership e-learning, which is an important step to empower our leaders to set an example. Embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is the right thing to do for our people and our business. We have grown from 19% women in our senior leadership in 2017 to 28% in 2023 (2022: 27%). Our aim is to reach 30%. by 2025 and 40%. by 2030. On our path to a fair and safe workplace, 100% of our direct employees now earn a fair wage according to the Fair Wage Network, reaching our 2023 goal. We continue to make progress in providing fair living and working standards for third-party employees. Our safety, health and well-being strategy reflects our company value of Care and is focused on shaping a leading safety culture. We do our utmost to ensure every colleague and contractor returns home safely at the end of the day. ‘Worlds Together’ is HEINEKEN's social impact campaign, developed in collaboration with The Social Gastronomy Movement, The Human Library, and local partners. In a world that is becoming increasingly disconnected, polarised and lacking in trust, we want to bring people together over a beer and a meal, who would otherwise not likely meet or even speak. This campaign was launched in Amsterdam and effectively nurtured authentic togetherness. Eight operating companies and head office hosted 12 events, bringing together a total of 1,144 people - In Haiti, we partner with three women's organisations to provide microcredits to women in rural areas, enabling them to start small businesses where they lacked access to funding. Our goal is that 100% of markets will have a social impact initiative in place each year. We want to make a positive difference based on what matters most for each community. By the end of 2023, 100% of all our markets globally in scope had a social impact initiative in place. For example: Visit page 159 to learn more about what we have done on sustainability and social Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023 We have been recognised by Forbes World's Best Employers ranking as one of the top five best places to work in the industry and 78th (out of 700) best employers in the world. This is a result of more than 170,000 workers from more than 50 countries that were polled, asking them about their experiences at work and with their employers. from different walks of life to foster connection and understanding.

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Jaarverslagen | 2023 | | pagina 21