is 50% 99% 20 Partnering with suppliers to reduce scope 3 carbon emissions Improving water usage and leading on water stewardship Launching our global circularity strategy Introduction Sustainability Review Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Supervisory Board - We are driving systemic change to reduce agriculture- related emissions through our global Low Carbon Farming programme, which has resulted in 13% reduction of carbon emissions and 81% improvement of carbon sequestration (results based on 300 pilots in 13 different countries). - Along with a consortium of six investors (HEINEKEN, Siemens Financial Services, EIT InnoEnergy, RIC Energy, MAIRE, InVivo), we invested in a company called FertigHy and, together, we aim to develop low carbon fertiliser solutions. Becoming net zero means not only decarbonising our own business, but our entire value chain. In the past year, we intensified collaboration with key suppliers in agriculture, packaging, logistics and cooling to unlock low-carbon solutions. - In Nigeria, one of our biggest markets in Africa, the local team engaged with the logistics service providers to invest in newer, larger and lighter trucks to reduce the number of trips on the road. - For packaging, we continue to engage suppliers through the Supplier Leadership on Climate Transition (Supplier LOCT), offering support with capability-building in their carbon reduction efforts. In 2023, we engaged glass suppliers in decarbonisation workshops. - As members of the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER), we joined the Coolition initiative, a coalition that consists of BIER members, refrigeration manufacturers and other key stakeholders to drive change on three fronts: standards and legislation, circularity, and energy efficiency and innovation. Our 2030 water strategy - towards healthy watersheds - looks beyond traditional water usage to prioritise the health of local watersheds, especially in water-stressed areas. We are focused on water efficiency and the long-term restoration of critical water basins, especially in water-stressed areas. We take a value chain approach to water focusing on our operations, upstream with our suppliers and working in the communities where we operate. We set a target to reduce our water usage to 2.6 hectolitres per hectolitre (hl/hl) beer by 2030 in water- stressed areas and 2.9 hl/hl for all sites. Despite efficiency loss due to reduced production volumes, we have maintained our global average water usage at 3.0 hl/hl in our breweries in water-stressed areas and improved our global average water usage across all our breweries to 3.2 hl/hl (2022: 3.3), progressing towards our 2030 targets. - In Brazil, we have improved water efficiency by almost 7.5% through a collective pilot project with its local C&D partner. - In Ethiopia, our partnership with World Vision International aims to comprehensively restore the watershed, improve carbon sequestration and livelihoods. In the last three years the project has led to over 500 hectares of rehabilitated land and half a million trees planted. - In Tunisia, we have initiated a project to provide access to clean water for 400 families in the Jebel Trifi region. This endeavour reflects our focus in WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) - together, we’re making a positive impact, fostering healthier lives and brighter futures. 28 of our 32 sites in water-stressed areas have now started water balancing projects and 28% of these sites are fully water balanced. Other highlights include: Most of the water we use is dedicated to growing our crops, with agriculture representing approximately 90% of our water footprint. In 2023, we initiated a comprehensive Water Global Screening, focused on our top suppliers and primary sourcing areas. This yielded valuable insights into regions experiencing water stress and into the maturity of our suppliers in managing water resources. We have developed a global circularity strategy focused on packaging where we will increase reusability, maximise recycled content and improve recyclability. Making our product packaging reusable is a priority. Today, approximately 38% of our packaging is produced in a reusable format. We want to build on this by supporting existing and emerging deposit return schemes and other mechanisms to drive reuse at scale. This builds on existing projects across the business that will support implementation at scale. For example: - In Cambodia, we transitioned to reusable glass bottles with over 1,600 on-trade outlets in urban areas, signing up so far to implement crates and support #ReturnTheBottle. - In the Netherlands, Desperados is the eighth beer brand to switch to reusable bottles in the catering and retail industry meaning more than 90% of HEINEKEN Netherlands bottles will be filled and sold in a refillable format in 2024. Visit page 147 to learn more about what we have done on sustainability and environmental recycled content in bottles and cans of all packaging is recyclable by design Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023 By 2030, we aim to reach the following goals: of volumes sold in reusable 4 3 format

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