205 Our conclusion Assurance Report of the Independent Auditor (of non-financial indicators) LIMITED ASSURANCE REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR ON HEINEKEN’S SELECTED KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2023 To the Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of Heineken N.V Focus areas Reach net zero carbon Introduction A fair safe workplace Always a choice Make moderation cool Address harmful use Sustainability Review Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Supervisory Board Report of the Executive Board We have examined selected key performance indicators 2023 ("KPIs”), as described below, and presented in the sustainability report the sustainability information as stated on page 132 to 196 in the accompanying Annual Report for the year 2023 ("the sustainability data") of Heineken N.V., Amsterdam. Based on our procedures performed nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the KPIs are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the reporting criteria as included in the section ‘Reporting Criteria’ of our report. The scope of our review was to provide limited assurance on the following KPIs in the section "Our Brew a Better World 2030 goals and progress”, on the pages 144 to 146 namely: Embrace inclusion and diversity Positive impact in our communities Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023 Maximise circularity Towards healthy watersheds Key performance indicator as disclosed in the column “Our 2023 results” 1Reduction of tCO2e vs. baseline 2018 in scope 1 2 emissions 2. energy from renewable sources (as disclosed on page 149) 3. Reduction of tCO2 versus 2018 scope 12 and 3 emissions 4. sustainable sourced ingredients (barley and hops) 5. of sites that are landfill free 6. of water-stressed sites are fully water balanced 7. of sites that have wastewater treatment plants 8. Average water usage in water-stressed areas and globally 9women in senior management 10. of regions have at least 65% regional nationals in leadership team 11. of management trained in inclusive leadership 12. fair wage assessments across our operating companies 1 3. of direct employees earn at least a fair wage 14. of operating companies went through equal pay assessments 15. operating companies have action plans in place 1 6. Fatal accidents and permanent disabilities (as disclosed on page 163) 17. of people managers completed the Life Saving Commitments training 18. of operating companies have been assessed to ensure fair living and working standards for third-party employees and brand promoters 19. increase in volume from locally sourced agricultural ingredients 20. of our markets in scope had a social impact initiative 21Markets with a zero alcohol option for at least two strategic brands representing 90% of our beer and cider volumes 22. of our products in scope had fully compliant labels 23. Our operating companies invested over 10% of Heineken media spend in dedicated responsible consumption campaigns 24. unique consumers reached worldwide 25. of markets in scope had a partnership to address alcohol-related harm The information in scope of this assurance report needs to be read and understood in conjunction with the Reporting basis of non-financial indicators as included in the Annual Report 2023 on page 182 to 196.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2023 | | pagina 205