191 Reporting basis of non-financial indicators Operating companies assessed for fair living and working standards Completion Life Saving Commitments (LSC) e-learning training for people managers Brew a Better World 2030 Strategy Environmental Social Responsible Disclosures Introduction Context Foundation Social - A fair and safe workplace Introduction Social - A fair and safe workplace Reporting basis of non-financial indicators Ensure fair living and working standards of third-party employees and brand promoters Create leadership capacity to drive zero fatal accidents and serious injuries at work Sustainability Review Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Supervisory Board Report of the Executive Board Key definitions Living and working standards: - Workers of third-party service providers are receiving legal entitlements and basic conditions of employment; - Legal entitlements: Salaries, pensions, holiday allowance, overtime pay, etc. as required by local law; - Basic conditions of employment include: Third-party employees should be paid fair wages and work reasonable hours, above minimum requirements where applicable; work in a decent work environment and operate under an appropriate and effective health and safety management system. Assessments: - Social assessments at HEINEKEN are based on third-party assessment as per the ‘ERSA’ and/or ‘SMETA’ methodology and are used to assess whether HEINEKEN facilities and the Outsourced Service Providers (OSPs) are compliant to these standards or have action plans in place to meet standards; - Operating companies and their facilities are expected to be assessed once per three years, in addition to follow-up assessments where necessary to monitor non-compliance and corrective actions; - Assessments include a sample of OSPs on its facilities, the environment they work in and the management systems HEINEKEN has in place to monitor its relationship with both OSPs and brand promoter agencies. Key definitions - People managers are employees managing a team of employees (one or more direct reports). - The Life Saving Commitments (LSC) are based on our operation’s highest risk activities and focus on our personal commitment to follow and abide by HEINEKEN’s safety standards. With the Golden Principle everyone is empowered to stop work and speak up when work cannot be executed safely or if it is not possible to adhere to the LSC. - LSC e-learning: The e-learning includes LSC and Golden Principle descriptions, scenarios with practical examples and questions. Once all questions are correctly answered, the training is completed. Scope: - 2023 regions in scope: AMEE and Americas. - Consolidated entities with production. - Export entities are not in scope. - Consolidated entities with less than 50 FTE are not included in the reporting scope. - On-site labour based third-party service providers. - HEINEKEN South Africa is excluded due to the integration within HEINEKEN Beverages. Scope: - All consolidated entities. - HEINEKEN South Africa is excluded due to the integration within HEINEKEN Beverages. Baseline: - N/A Baseline: - N/A Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023 Key performance indicator Measurement/units - Percentage of operating companies assessed compared to the total number of in scope operating companies. Key performance indicator Measurement/units - Percentage of people managers that have completed the LSC training compared to the total population of people managers.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2023 | | pagina 191