188 Reporting basis of non-financial indicators In each region, regional nationals across the operating company Management Teams Percentage of women in senior management Brew a Better World 2030 Strategy Environmental Social Responsible Disclosures Introduction Context Foundation Social - Embrace inclusion and diversity Introduction Social - Embrace inclusion and diversity Reporting basis of non-financial indicators Gender balance across senior management: 30% women by 2025, 40% by 2030 Cultural diversity: across each region at least 65% of country leadership teams are regional nationals by 2023 Sustainability Review Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Supervisory Board Report of the Executive Board Key definitions - Senior managers are all internal employees entitled to the Senior Management Reward Policy. Scope: - All consolidated entities. - HEINEKEN South Africa is excluded due to the integration within HEINEKEN Scope: - All consolidated entities, except head office and regional offices. - HEINEKEN South Africa is excluded due to the integration within HEINEKEN Beverages. Baseline: - N/A Baseline: - N/A Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023 Key performance indicator Measurement/units - (Headcount with nationalities from the region in all operating company Management Teams in that region)/(Total headcount of all the operating company Management Teams in that region as of 31 December). Key performance indicator Measurement/units - Percentage of women senior managers in the full senior management population (men - women - others) as of 31 December. Key definitions - Management Team (MT): The MT in an operating company is defined by the General Manager/Managing Director (GM/MD). In principle this includes all direct reports of the GM/MD, but there could be employees reporting to the GM/MD, which are not considered to be part of the operating company MT (e.g. business support). - Region follows the managerial reporting structure in our segment reporting (refer to note 6.1 Operating segments in the financial statements). Head office and regional offices are excluded. - Headcount: Based on internal headcount, both temporary as well as permanent contracts. - For people with double nationalities, we select the first nationality as recorded in our People database.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2023 | | pagina 188