174 World Economic Forum core metrics and disclosures Dignity and equality Brew a Better World 2030 Strategy Environmental Social Responsible Reporting basis of non-financial indicators Introduction Context Foundation Introduction Disclosures People Disclosures Core metrics 24% of total workforce and 28% of senior management 76% of total workforce and 72% of senior management 0% of total workforce and 0% of senior management 29% of total workforce and 61% of senior management 41% of total workforce and 17% of senior management 17% of total workforce and 13% of senior management 13% of total workforce and 9% of senior management 23% of total workforce and 0% of senior management 62% of total workforce and 66% of senior management 15% of total workforce and 34% of senior management Sustainability Review Other Information Financial Statements Report of the Supervisory Board Report of the Executive Board Wage level Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage. Ratio of the annual total compensation of the CEO to the median of the annual total compensation of all its employees, except the CEO. Diversity and inclusion Percentage of employees per employee category, by age group, gender and other indicators of diversity (e.g. ethnicity). Pay equality Ratio of the basic salary and remuneration for each employee category by significant locations of operation for priority areas of equality: women to men, minor to major ethnic groups, and other relevant equality areas. As a part of our inclusion and diversity strategy, we monitor the composition of our workforce by gender and nationalities, both at senior management level and for the total workforce. Gender and cultural diversity are focus areas within our Brew a Better World 2030 strategy. See the section ‘Embrace inclusion and diversity’ for more details. Equal pay is an important social topic and we promote this ambition both within and beyond our Company. Our goal is to ensure equal pay for equal work (or work of equal value) between female and male colleagues. We also recognise the importance of equality in our rewards processes; a fair and neutral decision must be assured at every moment in the employee lifecycle where relevant decisions are made. By the end of 2023, 100% of operating companies have been assessed and 100% have action plans in place. See the section ‘A fair and safe workplace’ for further equal pay strategy information. Our goal is to ensure all our employees worldwide earn at least a fair wage by assessing and closing any wage gaps by the end of 2023. We assess wages across all operating companies against the Fair Wage Network annually. Assessments started in 2021 with our operating companies in developing countries where the challenges are the greatest and were rolled out to all other countries in 2022. In 2023 we achieved a threshold of 100% of employees globally paid at least a fair wage. This means all of our direct employees earn at least a fair wage, according to the Fair Wage Network. Whilst we achieved our goal in 2023, ensuring a fair wage is a dynamic and ongoing process as the cost of living and other economic factors can change. We will maintain the focusing on fair wages through ongoing assessments and adjustments and will continue to disclose the percentage of employees paid at least a fair wage. See the section ‘A fair and safe workplace’ of our Sustainability Review, for more information. For the ratio of total annual compensation of CEO to median annual total compensation see the section ‘Remuneration Report’. Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2023 Percentage of employees by nationalities: Europe The Americas Africa, Middle East Eastern Europe Asia Pacific Percentage of employees by age: Under 30 years old 30 to 50 years old Above 50 years old Percentage of employees by gender: Women Men Other

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Jaarverslagen | 2023 | | pagina 174