179 Historical Summary 39,272 33,612 38,085 33,026 32,786 0.50 0.43 0.45 0.48 0.44 0.81 0.86 0.69 0.89 0.80 Employment of capital Introduction 2021 20181 2021 20181 2020 2019 2017 2020 2019 2017 Total non-current assets 1 Restated for IAS 37. 48,850 42,632 46,504 42,151 41,034 0.60 0.47 0.55 0.55 0.50 Report of the Executive Board Report of the Supervisory Board 922 16,434 8.5 18% 0.79 Financial Statements 922 12,470 5.2 11% 1.06 922 15,225 9.2 15% 0.95 Sustainability Review 922 13,603 10.1 19% 0.83 Other Information 922 12,399 10.1 16% 0.89 12,401 20,762 6,109 2,438 3,892 3,248 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2021 11,551 15,767 6,294 1,958 3,062 4,000 13,269 17,769 7,047 2,213 4,385 1,821 11,359 17,459 4,208 1,920 4,302 2,903 11,117 17,670 3,999 1,814 3,992 2,442 17,356 2,344 19,700 668 2,908 13,640 11,934 25,574 13,392 1,000 14,392 938 2,103 14,616 10,583 25,199 16,147 1,164 17,311 1,189 2,362 13,366 12,276 25,642 14,525 1,183 15,708 954 2,428 12,628 10,433 23,061 13,321 1,200 14,521 1,289 2,643 12,166 10,415 22,581 Inventories Trade and other current assets Cash, cash equivalents and current other investments Total current assets Total assets Total equity/total non-current assets Current assets/current liabilities (excluding provisions) 9,578 48,850 9,020 42,632 8,419 46,504 9,125 42,151 8,248 41,034 Financing In millions of Share capital Reserves and retained earnings Shareholders' equity Non-controlling interest Total equity Post-retirement obligations Provisions (including deferred tax liabilities) Non-current borrowings Other liabilities (excluding provisions) Liabilities (excluding provisions and post-retirement obligations) Total equity and liabilities Shareholders' equity/ Total liabilities In millions of Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Other non-current assets Operating profit (beia)/net interest expense (beia) Free operating cash flow/net debt Net debt/shareholders'equity

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2021 | | pagina 179