g)@ 91 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 8.4 Loans and advances to customers Loans and advances to customers Balance as at 1 January Heineken N.V. Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Annual Report 2020 Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Lease related notes For lease liabilities, refer to note 11.3 Borrowings. For short-term and low value leases, refer to other expenses in note 6.3 Raw materials, consumables and services. For the lease receivables, refer to other receivables in note 8.5 Other non-current assets and other receivables in note 7.2 Trade and other receivables. For the contractual maturities of lease liabilities, refer to note 11.5 Credit, liquidity and market risk. Loans and advances to customers are inherent to HEINEKEN's business model. Loans to customers are repaid in cash on fixed dates while the settlement of advances to customers are linked to the sales volume of the customer. Loans and advances to customers are usually backed by collateral such as properties. In millions of 2020 2019 Loans to customers Advances to customers 53 141 55 222 194 277 The movement in allowance for impairment losses for loans and advances to customers during the year is as follows: Allowance for credit losses 2020 - Loans and advances to customers 120 100 In millions of 2020 2019 79 135 Transfers (10) Addition to allowance 30 7 Allowance used 2 (56) Allowance released (7) (3) Effect of movements in exchange rates (4) 2 Other (6) Balance as at 31 December 90 79 Accounting estimates HEINEKEN determines on each reporting date the impairment of loans and advances to customers using an expected credit loss model which estimates the credit losses over 12 months. If a significant increase in credit risk occurs (e.g. more than 30 days overdue, change in credit rating, payment delays in other receivables from the customer), credit losses over the lifetime of the asset are incurred. Individually significant financial assets are tested for impairment on an individual basis. The remaining financial assets are assessed collectively in groups that share similar credit risk characteristics. Due to the uncertainty relating to the depth and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and its related impact on HEINEKEN's customers, more judgement is required for the calculation of expected credit losses compared to previous years. For more information on HEINEKEN's credit risk exposure refer to note 11.5. Accounting policies Loans and advances to customers are initially measured at fair value and subsequently at amortised cost minus any impairment losses. Addition to Allowance Allowance Effect of Balance as at allowance used released movements in 31 December exchange rates

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2020 | | pagina 91