g)@ Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Total O Q Heineken N.V. Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other O s Annual Report 2020 Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Land and buildings include the breweries and offices of HEINEKEN as well as stores, pubs and bars. The plant and machinery asset class contains all the assets needed in HEINEKEN's brewing, packaging and filling activities. Other fixed assets mainly consist of returnable packaging materials, commercial fixed assets and furniture, fixtures and fittings. Refer to note 7.4 for further information on returnable packaging materials that are included in this category. Impairment losses Given the impact of COVID-19 on HEINEKEN's markets and businesses, HEINEKEN assessed its CGUs for an indication of an impairment. Following the assessment, CGUs with a total fixed asset base (including goodwill and before impairment) of €4.3 billion were tested for asset impairment (2019: €0.4 billion). As a result, CGUs with a total fixed asset base of €2.5 billion (2019: €0.1 billion) were found to be partially impaired. Following the impairment tests, impairments of €463 million on owned P,P&E (2019: €52 million), €34 million of ROU assets, €427 million on intangible assets with a finite useful life and €39 million on goodwill were recorded in 2020. The impairment charges mainly relate to the CGUs Papua New Guinea (€246 million), Lagunitas (€230 million), Jamaica (€100 million, net of reversal) and various (individual) pub impairments in the UK totalling €191 million. Additionally, various smaller impairments were recorded. Impairments are recorded on the line Amortisation, depreciation and impairments' in the Income Statement. Refer to the table below for the impairment loss recorded per segment: In millions of Total impairment loss Lagunitas Jamaica Papua New Guinea Various UK pubs Various smaller impairments Americas 391 230 100 61 AMEE 96 96 APAC 269 246 23 Europe 194 191 3 Head Office 13 13 963 230 100 246 191 196 For a split per asset class, refer to the movement schedules in note 8.2 and 8.3. The determination of the recoverable amount of the assets of Lagunitas, Papua New Guinea and Jamaica is based on a VIU valuation, which is based on a management forecast extrapolated to a 10-year cash flow forecast for Papua New Guinea and Jamaica and a 5-year cash flow forecast for Lagunitas. Cash flows after the first 10-year period (Lagunitas 5-year) are extrapolated using a perpetual growth rate equal to the expected 10-year compounded average inflation, in order to calculate the terminal recoverable amount. The key assumptions used to determine the cash flows are based on market expectations and management's best estimates. See the table below for the key assumptions: Papua New Guinea Lagunitas Jamaica In 2021 - 2025 2026 - 2030 2021-2023 2024-2025 2021-2024 2025-2030 Pre-tax WACC (in local 17.7 17.7 6.7 6.7 17.7 17.7 currency) Expected annual long-term 4.0 4.0 1.9 1.9 4.7 4.7 inflation Expected volume growth 7.9 4.6 0.1 2.0 3.7 0.0 Right of use (ROU) assets HEINEKEN leases stores, pubs, offices, warehouses, cars, (forklift) trucks and other equipment in the ordinary course of business. HEINEKEN has around 35,000 leases with a wide range of different terms and conditions, depending on local regulations and practice. Many leases contain extension and termination options, which are included in the lease term if HEINEKEN is reasonably certain to exercise an extension option and reasonably certain not to exercise a termination option. Refer to the table below for the carrying amount of ROU assets per asset class per balance sheet date: In millions of 2020 2019 Land and buildings Equipment 672 273 807 232 Carrying amount ROU assets as at 31 December 945 1,039 During 2020, €329 million was added to the ROU assets as a result of entering into new lease contracts and the remeasurement of existing leases (2019: €271 million). The depreciation and impairments of ROU assets for the financial year ending 31 December is as follows: In millions of 2020 2019 Land and buildings Equipment 185 95 OO O LO OO Depreciation and impairments for ROU assets 280 238

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2020 | | pagina 89