g)@ Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements O Heineken N.V. Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other O \J Annual Report 2020 Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information The grant date, fair market value (FMV) at grant date, service period and vesting date for the LTIP are visualised below: Overview LTIP LTI Plan 31-12-2017 31-12-2018 31-12-2019 31-12-2020 31-12-2021 31-12-2022 2018-2020 grant date FMV €82.46 performance period ^3 vesting date 2019-2021 grant date FMV €72.48 performance period HO vesting date 2020-2022 grant date FMV €90.11 performance period Total LTIP expenses recognised in 2020 ^3 vesting date The number of outstanding share rights and the movement over the year under the LTIP of the Executive Board and senior management are as follows: Number of share Number of share rights 2020 rights 2019 Outstanding as at 1 January 1,746,018 2,047,880 Granted during the year 457,906 531,949 Forfeited during the year (104,002) (157,276) Vested previous year (764,496) (617,012) Performance adjustment (483,737) (59,523) Outstanding as at 31 December 851,689 1,746,018 Share price as at 31 December 91.22 94.92 In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on HEINEKEN's business, the LTI awards made under the 2018-2020 LTIP for the Executive Board will not vest. The cancellation of the 2018-2020 LTIP did not result in any settlements nor was it replaced with an alternative plan. Other share-based compensation plans Under the Extraordinary share plans for senior management, in 2020 24,100 shares were granted and 1,500 (gross) shares vested. These extraordinary grants only have a service condition and vest between one and five years. The expenses relating to these additional grants are recognised in profit or loss during the vesting period. In 2020, expenses amounted to €1 million (2019: €0.2 million). Personnel expenses The total share-based compensation income that is recognised in 2020 amounts to €1 million (2019: €31 million share-based compensation expense). In millions of Note 2020 2019 Share rights granted in 2017 13 Share rights granted in 2018 (21) 8 Share rights granted in 2019 4 10 Share rights granted in 2020 16 Total expense recognised in personnel expenses 6.4 (1) 31 Accounting estimates The grant date fair value is calculated by adjusting the share price at grant date for estimated foregone dividends during the performance period, as the participants are not entitled to receive dividends during that period. The foregone dividends are estimated by applying HEINEKEN's dividend policy on the latest forecasts of net profit (beia). At each balance sheet date, HEINEKEN uses its latest forecasts to calculate the expected realisation on the performance targets per plan. The number of shares are adjusted to the new target realisation and HEINEKEN increases/decreases the total plan cost. The cumulative effect is recorded in the profit or loss, with a corresponding adjustment to equity. Expenses related to employees that voluntarily leave HEINEKEN are reversed as they will not receive any shares from the LTIP. The expense calculation includes the estimated future forfeiture. HEINEKEN uses historical information to estimate this forfeiture rate. Accounting policies HEINEKEN's share-based compensation plans are equity-settled share rights granted to the Executive Board and senior management. The grant date fair value is calculated by deducting expected foregone dividends from the grant date during the performance period share price. The costs of the share plans are adjusted for expected performance and forfeiture and spread evenly over the service period. Share-based compensation expenses are recorded in the profit or loss, with a corresponding adjustment to equity. Matching shares granted to the Executive Board are disclosed in note 13.3.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2020 | | pagina 80