0 Creating economic and social impact €19.4m €749m I 32.8% Growing with communities Our approach to tax Tax strategy Our contribution in 2020 1 1 Reviving hop production in Hungary Shared value projects 1 A1"! Heineken N.V. 14 Annual Report 2020 Introduction Report of the Executive Board Report of the Supervisory Board Financial Statements Sustainability Review Other Information We believe in responsible tax behaviour as an essential part of our sustainability strategy. The taxes we pay contribute to local economies and support the development of the many countries in which we operate. We support stable, transparent and predictable tax regimes that incentivise long-term investment and economic growth. Our sustainable and transparent tax strategy is based on a number of key principles: - Our commitment to comply with relevant tax laws and international regulations, we aim to comply with the letter as well as the spirit of the law. - Compliance with the HEINEKEN Code of Conduct. - Expectation that we will pay tax in the country where our activities take place. We fully support and follow the OECD transfer pricing guidelines and transactions between our operating companies are based on the 'arm's length' principle. - Not using tax havens for tax avoidance purposes. - Open and constructive dialogue with tax authorities that is based on mutual respect, transparency and trust. We have co-operative compliance relationships with tax authorities in various countries. Total tax contribution percategory 4% 52% I Excise duties paid Net VAT paid Employee taxes paid (including social security contributions) Corporate income tax paid Other tax paid Corporate income tax paid by geographical regions (.3% 29% I Europe Americas I Asia Pacific Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe effective income tax rate (beia) Learn more about this topic on our website In Hungary, we already source local ingredients such as barley, sour cherry and elderflower to brew our popular beer brand, Soproni. We wanted to take a step further by reviving Hungarian hops. After a two year proj ect with the Interchurch Aid (MÖS) and the Ministry of Agriculture, our ambition has come to fruition. 200 hop plants were planted in 2018 and the first harvest took place in August. As well as supplying our business, the project supports Hungarian farmers and is helping to revive farming communities by providing employment for disadvantaged families in the region. Our regional sourcing projects in Africa create jobs, local support sustainable development of the agricultural sector and improve the lives of rural communities. Since 2009, we have invested €5.2 million in cash and €14.2 million in equipment and people through Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, and South Africa. This excludes additional third-party funding leveraged by our contributions. In total, these projects have provided market access to more than 140,000 farmer households. invested in local sourcing projects since 2009 Learn more about this topic on our website

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2020 | | pagina 147