g)@ Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 1 Heineken N.V. Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Annual Report 2020 Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Exposure to credit risk The maximum exposure to credit risk as at 31 December is as follows: In millions of Note 2020 2019 Cash and cash equivalents 11.2 4,000 1,821 Trade and other receivables, excluding prepayments 7.2 2,424 3,738 Derivative assets 11.6 98 30 Fair value through OCI investments 8.5 13 408 Loans and advances to customers 8.4 194 277 Other non-current receivables 8.5 307 406 Guarantees to banks for loans (to third parties) 9.3 330 332 7,366 7,012 The exposure to credit risk by geographic region for trade and other receivables excluding prepayments is as follows: Exposure to credit risk 468 518 c 2,000 242 284 Europe 2020 Africa, Middle East Eastern Europe 2019 Head Office and Other/eliminations Liquidity risk Liquidity risk is the risk that HEINEKEN will have difficulties to meet payment obligations associated with its financial liabilities, like payment of financial debt or trade payables when they are due. HEINEKEN's approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient funds to meet its liabilities when due without incurring unacceptable losses. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is increased attention for and monitoring of risks associated with working capital that might impact liquidity. HEINEKEN remains focused on ensuring sufficient access to capital markets to finance long-term growth and to refinance maturing debt obligations. HEINEKEN seeks to align the maturity profile of its long-term debts with its forecasted cash flow generation. More information about borrowing facilities is presented in note 11.3. Furthermore, strong cost and cash management as well as controls over investment proposals are in place. Contractual maturities The following table presents an overview of the expected timing of cash-out and inflows of non-derivative financial liabilities and derivative financial assets and liabilities, including interest payments. 2020 In millions of Carrying amount Contractual cash flows Less than 1 year 1-5 years More than 5 years Financial liabilities Interest-bearing liabilities (16,997) (20,067) (3,672) (5,899) (10,496) Lease liabilities (1,199) (1,684) (314) (706) (664) Trade and other payables and returnable packaging deposits (excluding interest payable, dividends and including non-current part) (6,392) (6,392) (6,347) (25) (19) Derivative financial assets and (liabilities) Cross currency interest rate swaps (14) (61) 8 (62) (7) Forward exchange contracts 4 (12) (12) Commodity derivatives 18 18 18 Other derivatives 3 16 1 4 11 Total (24,577) (28,182) (10,318) (6,688) (11,175) 2019 Financial liabilities Interest-bearing liabilities (15,793) (18,653) (3,831) (5,434) (9,388) Lease liabilities (1,258) (1,861) (304) (683) (874) Trade and other payables and returnable packaging deposits (excluding interest payable, dividends and including non-current part) (7,972) (7,971) (7,846) (91) (34) Derivative financial assets and (liabilities) Cross currency interest rate swaps (28) (97) (8) (26) (63) Forward exchange contracts (29) (54) (53) (1) Commodity derivatives (5) (5) (5) Other derivatives 2 2 2 Total (25,083) (28,639) (12,045) (6,235) (10,359) For more information on the derivative assets and liabilities refer to note 11.6.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2020 | | pagina 106