tiï O A
To the Shareholders (continued)
Executive Board composition
and remuneration
Report of the Executive Board
Report of the Supervisory Board
Best practice provision 2.2.1 of the Code
recommends that an Executive Board member
is appointed for a period of four years and that a
member may be reappointed for a term of not more
than four years at a time. In compliance with this
best practice provision, the Supervisory Board has
drawn up a rotation schedule in order to avoid, as
far as possible, a situation in which Executive Board
members retire at the same time.
Mr. Jean-Franqois van Boxmeer was initially
appointed for an indefinite term in 2001 and
was reappointed for a period of four years in
2017. Mrs. Laurence Debroux was appointed
in 2015 for a period of four years. At the 2019
AGM, the Supervisory Board shall nominate Mrs.
Laurence Debroux for re-appointment as member
of the Executive Board for a four-year term.
Pursuant to Dutch law, the Supervisory Board shall
pursue that on the Executive Board at least 30% of
the seats shall be held by men and at least 30% by
women. The current composition of the Executive
Board is compliant with this target. HEINEKEN also
strives to appoint a well-balanced mix of men
and women to its senior management. We note
that there may be various pragmatic reasons -
such as other relevant selection criteria and the
availability of suitable candidates - that could play
a complicating role in achieving a well-balanced mix
of men and women to its senior management, at
least in the short term.
The AGM approved the current remuneration policy
for the Executive Board in 2011 and approved
amendments in 2014 and 2017. Details of the
policy and its implementation are described in the
Remuneration Report.
The Supervisory Board wishes to express its
gratitude to the members of the Executive Board
and all HEINEKEN employees for their hard work
and dedication in 2018.
Supervisory Board Heineken N.V
Wijers Astaburuaga Sanjinés
Fernandez Carbajal Huët
Das Mars Wright
de Carvalho Dervi§oglu
Navarre Helmes
Amsterdam, 12 February 2019
Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2018
Financial Statements
Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2018 I»
Sustainabil ity Review Other Information