Sustainability Review (continued)
Drop the C
Introduction Report of the Executive Board Report of the Supervisory Board
1 Baseline 2008 - our 2020 commitment was to reduce by 40% our carbon
emissions in relative terms vs 2008.
2 Data based on 84% of the HEINEKEN volume in 2017. The HEINEKEN
product carbon footprint is based on a life cycle approach including
GHG scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions from agriculture, malting, brewing,
packaging materials, distribution and cooling.
3 The 2018 carbon footprint calculations use the latest calculation
methodologies from the EU Product Environmental Footprint Pilot (PEF)
for the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER).
4 Reporting baseline 2008.
5 23 production units in Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria,
Spain and Tunisia. Production units include beverage production and
malting plant.
6 Bedele, Madrid, Lagos, Ibadan, Sango-Ota, Ijebu-Ode, Rouiba. Grombalia,
Grombalia SOFT and Ksar Lemsa.
7 Baseline 2008.
8 Baseline year 2010 for Mexico and Netherlands, 2011 for all other
HEINEKEN operating companies.
9 Mexico, USA and Brazil.
10 Baseline 2010.
11 Less than 2% of total co-products and waste sent to landfill.
12 In scope are barley, hops, apples, sugar beet, sugar cane, rice, sorghum,
wheat and maize. The scope also covers joint ventures supplied via our
global purchase organisation (HEINEKEN Global Procurement).
13 We follow the definition for sustainable agriculture set out by the
Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI).
14 Our external auditor, SGS, conducted 12 compliance audits of our suppliers
in 2018 and confirmed the sustainable volumes they reported in 2018.
16 In 2018 with third party support, we changed our calculation
methodology to ensure consistent compliance calculation across
operating companies. The methodology still follows the 4-step process,
however we do not calculate compliance as average supplier performance
across all steps, but rather the number of compliant suppliers versus total
number of suppliers.
17 Investments dedicated to responsible consumption messaging with
regards to Heineken® brand communication. This includes our Enjoy
Heineken® Responsibly (When You Drive Never Drink) campaigns but
also having other activities on Responsible Consumption that are not
only media related.
18 According to WHO 2018 Global Status Report on Alcohol Health, in
2010, 55% of the global population abstained from alcohol in the previous
12 months, and in 2016 57% were abstainers.
19 Based on 2017 sales data. This commitment excludes brands under
6,000HL and licensed brands.
20 Assessment is made by line extension, which means additional items
introduced in the same product category under the same brand name
such as new flavours, forms, added ingredients, low-alcohol versions etc.
21 Externally we report fatal accidents in line with the definitions from
Global Reporting Initiative standard on occupational health and
safety. Internally we also report and investigate all non-work related
fatal accidents happening in relation to our activities, including those
happening to members of the public.
22 Previously LSR implementation was reported using a completion rate
of action plans defined in 2016. In 2018, we began reporting progress
using a compliance level which we believe provides better insight and
a clearer and more objective picture of our progress.
23 28 of these indicators are included in this report, the remaining ones are
published online by the end of March 2019.
24 To be published end of March 2019.
25 This specific indicator will be disclosed by end of March 2019 in the
sustainability section of the Company website. HEINEKEN Energy
Efficiency Index is the energy consumption of the fridge divided by the
average energy consumption of similar HEINEKEN fridges on the market
in 2010, multiplied by 100.
15 We refer to sourcing within the region of Africa and the Middle East: 86.7%
domestic and 13.3% regional sourcing. Based upon volume (in tons).
Financial Statements
Sustainability Review
26 EcoVadis is a sustainability rating and collaborative platform enabling
companies to monitor the sustainability performance of their suppliers,
across 150 sectors and 110 countries. The evaluation covers 21 Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) criteria and is used today by 120 global
multinationals. EcoVadis engages approximately 20,000 suppliers a year
whereby 70% of suppliers are SMEs (less than 1000 employees).
27 SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) describes an audit procedure
which is a compilation of good practice in ethical audit technique.
28 Scope can vary per non-financial indicator. When not all operating
companies are in scope, this is being indicated in the specific section, the
Reporting Basis chapter and/or the appendix 'Basis of preparation non-
financial indicators' which can be found on the Company website.
29 Divested in September 2017; disclosures have been included up to the
divestment date and only for applicable indicators.
30 Divested in November 2017 while maintaining a minority stake;
disclosures have been included up to the divestment date and only for
applicable indicators.