93 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (continued) 17. Other investments and receivables Sensitivity analysis - equity price risk 18. Deferred tax assets and liabilities Recognised deferred tax assets and liabilities - - - - Tax losses carried forward Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 In millionsof€ Note 2017 2016 Non-current other investments and receivables Available-for-sale investments 30 481 427 Non-current derivatives 30 36 254 Loans to customers 30 54 58 Loans to joint ventures and associates 30 3 18 Long-term prepayments 346 145 Other receivables 30 193 175 1,113 1,077 The increase in long-term prepayments is mainly related to deposits paid for existing legal proceedings which were inherited as part of the Brasil Kirin acquisition (refer to note 6). The other receivables mainly originate from the acquisition of the beer operations of FEMSA and represent a receivable on the Brazilian authorities on which interest is calculated in accordance with Brazilian legislation. Collection of this receivable is expected to be beyond a period of five years. A part of the aforementioned receivable qualifies for indemnification towards FEMSA. HEINEKEN has interests in several entities where it has less than significant influence. These are classified as available-for-sale investments and valued based on their share price when publicly listed. For investments that are not listed fair values are established using multiples. Debt securities (which are interest-bearing) with a carrying amount of €15 million (2016: €15 million) are included in available-for-sale investments. As at 31 December 2017, an amount of €396 million (2016: €342 million) of available-for-sale investments and investments held for trading is listed on stock exchanges. An increase or decrease of 1 in the share price at the reporting date would not result in a material impact on HEINEKEN's financial position. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are attributable to the following items: Assets Liabilities Net In millionsof€ 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 Property, plant and equipment 72 71 (521) (547) (449) (476) Intangible assets 41 56 (1,333) (1,402) (1,292) (1,346) Investments 54 126 (6) (5) 48 121 Inventories 31 27 (9) (1) 22 26 Loans and borrowings 32 2 (28) (32) 4 (30) Employee benefits 300 346 (6) (6) 294 340 Provisions 131 125 (30) (45) 101 80 Other items 467 413 (382) (180) 85 233 Tax losses carried forward 460 391 460 391 Tax assets/(liabilities) 1,588 1,557 (2,315) (2,218) (727) (661) Set-off oftax (820) (546) 820 546 Net tax assets/(liabilities) 768 1,011 (1,495) (1,672) (727) (661) Of the total net deferred tax assets of €768 million as at 31 December 2017 (2016: €1,011 million), €253 million (2016: €405 million) is recognised in respect of subsidiaries in various countries where there have been tax losses in the current or preceding period. Management's projections support the assumption that it is probable that the results of future operations will generate sufficient taxable income to utilise these deferred tax assets. This judgement is performed annually and based on budgets and business plans for the coming years, including planned commercial initiatives. No deferred tax liability has been recognised in respect of undistributed earnings of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, with a net impact of €75 million (2016: €58 million). This because HEINEKEN is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences, and it is probable that such differences will not reverse in the foreseeable future. HEINEKEN has tax losses carried forward of €3,593 million as at 31 December 2017 (2016: €2,370 million), out ofwhich €137 million (2016: €145 million) expires in the following five years. €434 million (2016: €338 million) will expire after five years and €3,023 million (2016: €1,887 million) can be carried forward indefinitely Deferred tax assets have not been recognised in respect of tax losses carried forward of €1,619 million (2016: €637 million) as it is not probable thattaxable profit will be available to offset these losses. The increase in the amount of tax losses carried forward relates mainly to the acquisition of Brasil Kirin.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 94