87 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (continued) 10. Personnel expenses 11. Amortisation, depreciation and impairments - 12. Net finance income and expense Recognised in profit or loss Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 In millionsof Note 2017 2016 Wages and salaries 2,339 2,158 Compulsory social security contributions 364 333 Contributions to defined contribution plans 47 48 Expenses/(income) related to defined benefit plans 26 59 88 Expenses related to other long-term employee benefits 3 1 Equity-settled share-based payment plan 27 55 42 Other personnel expenses 683 593 3,550 3,263 Other personnel expenses includes expenses for contractors for an amount of€153 million (2016: €142 million) and restructuring costs for amount of €82 million (2016: €38 million). Restructuring provisions are disclosed in note 28. an The average number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees, excluding contractors, during the year was: 2017 2016 The Netherlands 3,998 3,907 Other Europe 23,873 24,012 Americas 27,818 20,917 Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe 14,475 15,193 Asia Pacific 10,261 9,496 80,425 73,525 The increase in FTE in the region Americas mainly relates to the acquisition of Brasil Kirin. In millionsof Note 2017 2016 Property, plant and equipment 14 1,153 1,437 Intangible assets 15 369 380 Recycling of currency translation differences 65 1,587 1,817 In 201 7 HEINEKEN recycled the negative currency translation reserves relating to disposed subsidiaries to the consolidated income statement. In millionsof 2017 2016 Interest income 72 60 Interest expenses (468) (419) Dividend income from available-for-sale investments 10 12 Net change in fairvalue of derivatives (149) 19 Net foreign exchange gain/(loss)1 56 (114) Unwinding discount on provisions (14) (1) Interest on the net defined benefit obligation (33) (40) Other 7 (10) Other net finance income/(expenses) (123) (134) Net finance income/(expenses) (519) (493) 1 Transactional foreign exchange effects of working capital and foreign currency denominated loans, the latter being offset by net change in fair value of derivatives.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 88