53 Remuneration Report (continued) Part II - The Executive Board actual remuneration for performance ending in, or at year-end, 2017 ad (1) - Base salary ad (2) - 2017 Short-term variable pay Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 The following table provides an overview of the Executive Board actual remuneration that became unconditional in, or at year-end, 2017. For disclosures in line with IFRS reporting requirements, which are'accrual-based'over earning/performance periods and partly depend on estimations/ assumptions, see note 33 'Related parties' on page 120. The Supervisory Board conducted a scenario analysis with respect to possible outcomes of the variable remuneration disclosed in this section. 2015-2017 Long-term variable award Matching entitlements Extraordinary Share Grants (2)2017 (4) Value of (5) No. of (6) Value of (9) Value of Short-term (3) No. of performance matching matching (8) No. of extraordinary (10) Other (1)Base variable pay performance shares vesting entitlements entitlements (7) Pension extraordinary shares vesting emoluments salaryin€ in€ shares vesting in€ vesting vesting in€ costin€ sharesvesting in€ in€ Van Boxmeer 1,200,00 0 2,735,88 0 4 7,69 9 4,146,474 12,391 1,077,150 857,531 - - 20,948 Debroux 720,000 1,172,520 19,327 1,680,096 - - 142,157 - - 162,511 These base salaries have been paid to the members of the Executive Board for 2017. The 2017 Short-term variable pay (STV) relatesto the performance year 2017, and becomes payable in 2018. The STV pay for 2017 was subject to four performance measures: Organic Revenue Growth, Organic Net Profit beia Growth, Free Operating Cash Flow and Individual leadership measures, each with a weight of 25%. The Supervisory Board determined the results against the pre-set targets on these measures as follows: Organic Revenue Growth between target and maximum performance Organic Net Profit beia Growth at maximum performance Free Operating Cash Flow at maximum performance Individual leadership measures between target and maximum performance The resulting STV payout for 2017 is close to 163% of payout at target level for both members of the Executive Board. In line with policy, 25% of the STV payout is paid out in investment shares against the closing share price of 12 February 2018, the publication date of these financial statements. In addition, the Executive Board members have had the opportunity to indicate before the end of the 2017 performance year whetherthey wished to receive up to another 25% of their STV payout in additional investment shares; for 2017 the Executive Board members did not elect to receive additional investment shares beyond the mandatory 25% share investment. The investment shares are restricted for sale for five calendar years, after which they are matched 1:1 by matching shares. Revision and clawback provisions apply to this award, including the related matching share entitlement. The table below provides an overview of the investment shares at year-end that were awarded as part of STV payouts in the past, and that have remained blocked and await 1:1 matching by the Company, provided the conditions thereto are met. Only when the holding period of the investment shares has been completed, will the matching share entitlements be converted into shares and transferred to the recipient. STV payout for of STV payout invested in shares Award date No. of investment shares awarded1 Value of investment shares as of the award date in End of blocking period Value of investment shares as of 31.12.2017 in €2 Van Boxmeer 2017 25% 13.02.2018 t.b.d. 683,970 31.12.2022 n.a. 2016 25% 16.02.2017 11,106 839,947 31.12.2021 965,445 2015 50% 11.02.2016 20,105 1,465,051 31.12.2020 1,747,728 2014 25% 12.02.2015 10,427 692,249 31.12.2019 906,419 2013 50% 13.02.2014 11,910 563,462 31.12.2018 1,035,336 Debroux 2017 25% 13.02.2018 t.b.d. 293,130 31.12.2022 n.a. 2016 25% 16.02.2017 4,760 359,999 31.12.2021 413,787 2015 50% 11.02.2016 5,713 416,306 31.12.2020 496,631 1 The number of investment shares awarded in relation to the STV payout for 2013 and beyond is determined by dividing the part of the STV payout that is invested in shares by the closing share price of the date of publication of the financial statements for thatyear; the Award date of the investment shares is the day following. 2 The share price as of 31 December 2017 is €86.93.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 54