28 Financial Review (continued) Reported to beia - - - Capital expenditure and cash flow Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 The 2017 exceptional items and amortisation of acquisition-related intangibles on net profit amount to €312 million (2016: €558 million). This amount consists of: -€302 million (2016: €315 million) of amortisation of acquisition-related intangibles recorded in operating profit. -€105 million (2016: €470 million) of exceptional items recorded in operating profit, of which €20 million in revenue (2016: nil), €93 million of restructuring expenses (2016: €80 million), €19 million of reversal of impairments of property, plant and equipment (2016: €316 million impairment loss of which €286 million related to The Democratic Republic of Congo), €72 million of acquisition and integration costs (2016: €8 million) and €61 million of other exceptional net benefits (2016: €66 million expense). Other exceptional net benefits include the gain on sale of non-beer and cider wholesale operations in the Netherlands. -€8 million (2016: €25 million) of exceptional items in net finance expenses, mainly related to the acquisitions of Punch and Brasil Kirin. -€78 million of exceptional items and amortisation of acquisition-related intangibles included in share of profit of associates and joint ventures, which includes loss on previously-held equity interests and the recycling of foreign exchange from equity to profit and loss (2016: €10 million). -€142 million (2016: €196 million) in income tax expense, which includesthetax impact on exceptional items and amortisation of acquisition-related intangible assets of €97 million (2016: €109 million) and an exceptional income tax benefit of €45 million (2016: €87 million), mainly due to the remeasurement of deferred tax positions following a nominal tax rate change in the United States. -Total amount of eia allocated to non-controlling interests amounts to €39 million (2016: €66 million). In millions of€ Reported 2017 Eia 2017 Beia 2017 Reported 2016 Eia 2016 Beia 2016 Revenue 21,888 20 21,908 20,792 20,792 Other income 141 (141) 46 (46) Total expenses (18,677) 528 (18,149) (18,083) 831 (17,252) Operating profit 3,352 407 3,759 2,755 785 3,540 Share of net profit of assoc./JVs 75 78 153 150 10 161 Net interest income/(expenses) (396) 22 (374) (359) 4 (355) Other net finance income/(expenses) (123) (13) (136) (134) 20 (114) Income tax expense (755) (142) (897) (673) (196) (869) Non-controlling interests (218) (40) (258) (199) (66) (265) Net profit 1,935 312 2,247 1,540 558 2,098 In millions of€ 2017 2016 Cash flow from operations before changes in working capital and provisions 4,980 4,713 Total change in working capital 69 80 Change in provisions and employee benefits (125) (73) Cash flow from operations 4,924 4,720 Cash flow related to interest, dividend and income tax (1,042) (1,002) Cash flow from operating activities 3,882 3,718 Cash flow (used in)/from operational investing activities (1,851) (1,945) Free operating cash flow 2,031 1,773 Cash flow (used in)/from acquisitions and disposals (1,114) (62) Cash flow (used in)/from financing activities (966) (672) Net cash flow (49) 1,039 Cash conversion ratio 81% 75%

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Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 29