25 Risk Management (continued) Execution and change management Reporting Non-compliance Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 Operational risks What could happen In the last years, HEINEKEN has engaged in several significant business improvement projects. The large number of operating companies and their varying level of integration represent a specific challenge to these projects. These strategic transformation programmes may not deliver the expected benefits or may incur significant cost ortime overruns. Recent developments The Group portfolio of global projects now contains more than 40 programmes and has supported the implementation of new capabilities in the area of finance, supply chain, procurement and human resources, thereby serving HEINEKEN's efficiency targets and key risk mitigation. What are we doing to manage this risk By taking a portfolio approach, applying consistent project methodology and governance, and placing ownership of each of them attop management level, HEINEKEN is able to prioritise and optimise resource allocation across its major projects to ensure they deliver on their objectives. Reporting risk What could happen Historically HEINEKEN has grown its footprint organically and through mergers and acquisitions, which had led to a diverse landscape of processes and systems and a low level of centralisation. Deviations from the common accounting and reporting processes and related controls could impairtheaccuracyofthefinancialand non-financial data used for Group reporting and external communication. Recent developments Since 2015, HEINEKEN has engaged in a substantial process and IT simplification and standardisation project, which will help to achieve further efficiency gains while delivering fast and robust reporting, continuously strengthening its control environment. What are we doing to manage this risk HEINEKEN has implemented a common Risk and Control Framework across its operating companies which includes standardised internal controls on financial reporting, common accounting policies and standard chart of accounts, periodic mandatory training, and active monitoring of critical access and segregation of duties conflicts. In 2017, HEINEKEN evolved its governance around non-financial data to further improve the quality of the data reported under its Brewing a Better World programme. Explore Further: - Reporting basis and governance of non-financial indicators, pages 148-149 Compliance risk What could happen Changes in the legal and regulatory environment tend to increase the risk of non-compliance to local and global laws and regulations. Failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations could lead to claims, enforcement and reputational damage. Recent developments Across many geographies, law enforcement has become more systematic than in the past, in particular with regard to anti-bribery and corruption, competition and data privacy laws, and human rights. This leadsto an increased risk of being subject to allegations of violations of laws and regulations. Over the years, HEINEKEN has constantly been looking to enhance its internal compliance system and resilience to the changes of the legal environment. What are we doing to manage this risk HEINEKEN has embedded legal compliance in its risk and controls system, and has established processes and governance to drive implementation and compliance with the Company Rules and its HEINEKEN Code of Business Conduct. Explore Further: -Values and behaviours, pages 146-147

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Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 26