20 Risk Management (continued) Risk management Internal control Risk profile Risk appetite Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 To support the Executive Board's external representations, a formal bi-annual Letter of Representation (LoR) process is in place. It requires management to demonstrate accountability and covers financial and non-financial reporting disclosures, financial reporting controls, compliance with the Code of Conduct and other HEINEKEN Rules as well as fraud and irregularities. Effective management of risks forms an integral part of how HEINEKEN operates as a business and is embedded in day-to-day operations. HEINEKEN's risk management activities seek to identify and appropriately address any significant threat to the achievement of the Company's strategic objectives, its reputation, the continuity of its operations and the safety of its employees. HEINEKEN's risk management system enables management to identify, assess, prioritise and manage risks on a continuous and systematic basis, and covers all subsidiaries across regions, countries, markets and corporate functions. Ongoing identification and assessment of risks, including new risks arising from changes in the global or local business environment, are an integral part of HEINEKEN's governance and performance management. Risk assessments are performed annually by every operating company and global function, and the implementation of adequate responses and progress of risk mitigating measures is monitored on a quarterly basis. In parallel, the outcome of these risk analyses is aggregated on a global level and serves as a basis to determine HEINEKEN's risk exposure and risk management priorities. Accountability for mitigating, monitoring and reporting on the most significant risks is assigned to functional directors, who report on progress and residual risk levels biannuallytothe risk committee. HEINEKEN's internal control activities aim to provide reasonable assurance as to the accuracy of financial information, the Company's compliance with applicable laws and internal policies, and the effectiveness of internal processes. Internal controls have been defined at entity-level (HEINEKEN Rules, comprising all mandatory standards and procedures) and at process level (Process and Control Standards) for key processes, including financial reporting, IT and Tax. Compliance with company policies is periodically assessed both in OpCos and in Global Functions. Deviations from the defined standards are included in a global monitoring and follow-up tool, which supports management in addressing these deviations. Management is responsible for defining and timely implementation of action plans to remediate any deficiency identified as part of these assessments. The results are reported to the EB in the bi-annual Letter of Representations. The Company Rules, policies and controls are periodically updated to reflect both the Company key risks and the extent to which the Company is willing and able to mitigate them. HEINEKEN is predominantly a single-product business, operating throughout the world in the alcohol industry. HEINEKEN is present in more than 70 countries, with a growing share of its revenues originated from emerging markets. An increasingly negative perception in society towards alcohol could prompt legislators to implement further restrictive measures such as limitations on availability, advertising, sponsorships, distribution and points of sale and increased tax. This may cause changes in consumption trends, which could lead to a decrease in the brand equity and sales of HEINEKEN's products. HEINEKEN has undertaken business activities with other market parties in the form of joint ventures and strategic partnerships. Where HEINEKEN does not have effective control, decisions taken by these entities may not be fully harmonised with HEINEKEN's strategic objectives. Moreover, HEINEKEN may not be able to identify and manage risks to the same extent as in the rest of the Group. The international spread of its business, a robust balance sheet and strong cash flow, as well as a commitment to prudent financial management, form the context based on which HEINEKEN determines its appetite to risk. A structured risk management process allows HEINEKEN to take risks in a managed and controlled manner. Key to determining the risk appetite is the nature of the risks: Strategic: Taking strategic risks is an inherent part of HEINEKEN's entrepreneurial heritage. In its pursuit of balanced growth, HEINEKEN is open to certain risks linked to its presence in a wide array of developing countries. Operational: Depending on the type of the operational risk, HEINEKEN's risk appetite can be described as cautious to averse. In particular, ensuring its employees' and contractors' safety, delivering the highest level of product quality and protecting its reputation have priority over any other business objective. Reporting: HEINEKEN is averse to any risks that could jeopardise the integrity of its reporting. Compliance: HEINEKEN isaversetothe risk of non-compliance with applicable laws or regulations, as well as with its own Code of Business Conduct.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 21