150 Reporting basis and governance of non-financial indicators (continued) 'Drop the C': reducing CO2 emissions Report of the Report of the Financial 1 Sustainability 1 Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements 1 Review 1 Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 Water balancing Redressing the balance in water-stressed areas between the amount of water we source from the watershed and the amount that is not returned because it is used in our products, and through evaporation. One of the challenges is mobilising stakeholders, particularly at a government level. To help us, in February 2015, we entered into a partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). HEINEKEN and UNIDO are jointly organising three-day stakeholder engagement workshops to develop a shared vision on the most important water issues and on collective efforts needed to redress them in priority locations Water balancing projects Projects that aim to conserve or restore water quantity or quality in the local watershed; and/or improve access to clean water for the local communities. We consider a balancing project started once a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with one or more partners. This is a change of definition compared to 2016, where we considered a project already started once a feasibility study was finalised. Since a study is not always followed by a concrete project, we think the new definition is more robust. This is the reason why the number of breweries compliant to this definition went down in 2017 from 13 to 12 of electrical energy coming from renewable sources Quantity of renewable electrical energy use (kWh) divided by total electrical energy use (kWh). Sources can be: - Own renewable production all electricity generated from renewable resources on-site (wind, solar, biogas) - Imported electricity under green certificates all electricity streams for which certified green electricity is purchased of thermal energy coming from renewable sources Quantity of renewable thermal energy use (MJ) divided by total thermal energy use (MJ). Sources are: biomass, biogas, solar thermal and imported heat (with 100% renewable and 0 g CO2/MJ) CO2 emissions in production (Scope 1 and 2, GHG Protocol) This indicator includes CO2-eq emissions caused by: - direct emissions from combustion of fuels - indirect emissions from imported heat and electricity - emissions from refrigerant losses The reduction in CO2 emissions is being achieved by improving our energy efficiency for both thermal and electrical energy (as part of our TPM framework), and by using more renewables and replacing high CO2 fuels such as fuel oil with lower-emission fuels such as natural gas CO2 emissions in distribution (Scope 3, GHG protocol) This indicator refers to CO2-eq emissions from outbound distribution of finished goods and returns of empty packaging material. It includes domestic and export transport by road, rail and sea. Excluded is inbound transport. We focus our actions on reducing the distance we drive, improving fuel efficiency with ourtransport partners, switching from road to rail and water, and using more carbon-efficient vehicles. As the majority of ourtransport is outsourced, we work in collaboration with ourtransport service providers and also with peer companies, customers, fuel providers, industry groups and other key stakeholders CO2 emissions from fridges (Scope 3, GHG protocol) This indicator refers to CO2-eq emissions as a result of the electricity used by beverage fridges (branded and non-branded) invoiced to HEINEKEN in the reporting year Green fridges HEINEKEN buys and supplies fridges used to store and display our beer products in supermarkets, bars and restaurants. This allows us to control the quality of the beer by setting the correct temperature, as well as the appearance of the fridge and our brands within it. To reduce our emissions, we focus on installing more energy-efficient fridges in conjunction with our suppliers. We ask our suppliersto test new fridges to determine the HEINEKEN Energy Efficiency Index (HEEI)28. In case our suppliers have not (yet) provided us with the HEEI, we calculate the HEEI based on the energy saving features of the fridge model. Wejudge ourfridges as 'green' if they have one or more of the following green features: use of hydrocarbon refrigerant, LED illumination, an energy management system and energy-efficient fans. We further enhanced our data gathering method, and decreased our reliance on self-declared numbers by the operating companiesto using our centralised procurementtool where possible Waste destination per and absolute value33 Destination of residual products from the brewing process: either recycled into feed, material loops, compost or energy, or-when not recycled-incinerated or sent to landfill. Brewer's grains and yeast, for example, have a high nutrition value and are recycled for animal or human consumption. It is our ambition to achieve zero waste to landfill in our production facilities, and this is part of our mandatory TPM framework 33 This specific indicator will be disclosed by end of March 2018 in the sustainabil ity section of the Company website.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 151