O <s 138 6.1 kg CO2-eq/hl 29% 'Drop the C': reducing CO2 emissions €83.3 m Sustainability Review (continued) Climate change is one of the top risks facing society4, but still greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. The potential impact on the lives and livelihoods of millions of people worldwide is severe. As a global company, we must reduce our CO2 emissions across our entire value chain - from production and transport to packaging and cooling. Lower emissions in production Report of the Report of the Financial 1 Sustainability 1 Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements 1 Review 1 Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 2020 commitment Reduce CO2 emissions from production by 40%5 to 6.4 kg CO2-eq/hl. 2018 milestone Reduce CO2 emissions from production by 37% to 6.7 kg CO2-eq/hl. Our progress in 2017 On track In 2017, we achieved a 41% reduction in relative CO2 emissions from production, already surpassing our 2020 target (2016: 37%). Our emissions are decreasing in absolute terms as well: even though our production volumes were 57% higherthan in 2008, our emissions were 7% lower. 29% of our electrical energy and 7% of ourthermal energy now comes from renewable sources (2016: 25% and 5%). The reduction in CO2 emissions has been achieved by improving our energy efficiency and by using more renewables and replacing high CO2 fuels with lower-emission fuels. Looking ahead We have set ambitious new targets that align our efforts with the COP21 Paris Agreement: we will grow our renewable energy share (thermal and electricity combined) from 14% in 2017to 70% in 2030. This also means that we aim for an 80% reduction in carbon emissions per hl compared to baseline year 2008. We will start internal carbon shadow pricing to help drive sustainable investment and innovation decisions. We joined the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, an informal network of leading CEOs committed to climate action, facilitated by the World Economic Forum. We will submit our commitments to the Science Based Targets initiative. For a more detailed breakdown of our total carbon footprint, see our website 4 https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-risks-report-2017. 5 Baseline 2008. CO2 emissions in production Kg CÜ2-eq/hl beer, cider, soft drinks and water Our 2020 10.4 saved through energy efficiency since 2009 of our total electrical energy comes from renewable sources Wind in Mexico HEINEKEN Mexico has signed Power Purchase Agreements with three windfarms, which will cover around 65% of the total electricity needed in the coming years. Biomass in Brazil In 2017, a new biomass boiler was fired up at our brewery in Ponta Grossa, Brazil, covering 100%of its thermal energy needs. Electricity mix 2017 for Beverage production Own renewable production 1% Imported renewable (PPA* and green certificates) 28% Country electricity mix (renewable) 16% Country electricity mix (non-renewable) 44% Own non-renewable production 11% *Power Purchase Agreement View case study online

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 139