Focus on areas where we can make a difference B> 134 Sustainability Review (continued) Our sustainability strategy focuses on the areas where we can make the biggest difference. In this section we summarise the why and how of our strategy. 'Every drop': protecting water resources 'Drop the C': reducing CO2 emissions Sourcing sustainably 2 6 8 12 Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 On track 0 More to do f Off track Supporting SDG Water is the ultimate shared resource and we must all safeguard it forthe future. Beer is 95% water, so it is a critical resource for our business. We use water throughout our supply chain -from growing crops to ourfinished products. We are working hard to reduce our water use in our breweries, especially in water-stressed areas. We are investing in new water treatment plants and technology to reuse ourtreated water and generate renewable energy from the treatment process-offering good potential forthe future. We have committed to balance the water we consume in water-stressed areas. The water stewardship projects that enable us to do it are increasingly varied-from restoring wetlands and testing whether barley planted among olive trees in Spain can help conserve water, to researching innovative new irrigation techniques with farmers in Mexico. But this is not an easy process and takes time. One of the challenges is mobilising stakeholders, as everyone has a role to play. There is more to do and our next step is to look beyond 2020, defining our water strategy and related targets for 2030: 'Every Drop'. 2020 Commitment Progress 2017 Reduce water consumption in our breweries 30%1 Water balancing in water- stressed areas Al l wastewater treated For more information about our progress in 2017: See pages 136-137 Supporting SDG Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing society, but still emissions continue to rise. From production and transport to refrigeration and waste, we focus on reducing emissions across our entire value chain, and we are on track to reach our 2020 targets. In our breweries, we are improving energy efficiency - investing in efficient processes and using more renewable energy to brew our beer, like at Ponta Grossa in Brazil where a new biomass boiler covers 100% of the brewery's thermal energy needs. For production we have set new targets for 2030: growing our share of renewable energy from 14% in 2017to 70% by 2030. This would lead to an 80% reduction in our CO2 emissions per hl for our production (breweries). We are working hard to reduce emissions from distribution but we still have more to do - reducing the distance we drive, using more sustainable fuels and vehicles, and switching from road to rail and water. 'Green' fridges have become the norm for cooling our beverages, but our biggest impact comes from our packaging. It is an area where we have more to do and we are bringing it into the scope of our target setting. In the next two years, we will set 2030 science based targets for reducing emissions in packaging, distribution and cooling. These three areas are difficult to tackle and require collaborative action across the whole value chain. 2020 Commitment Progress 2017 Lower emissions in production by 40%2 Lower emissions in distribution by 20%3 Lower emissions from our fridges by 50%4 2 Baseline 2008. 3 Baseline 2010/2011. 4 Baseline 2010. For more information about our progress in 2017: See pages 138-140 Supporting SDG Responsible sourcing has never been more important. As pressure on resources grows, we are focused on securing a long-term, sustainable supply of raw materials, improving farmer livelihoods and raising supplier standards. Our sustainable sourcing approach is based on the principles of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI), a multinational partnership working towards a more sustainable food chain. In Africa, we support farmer livelihoods, increase processing capacity and promote better access to markets, seeds and finance. At the same time, HEINEKEN benefits by reducing import-related duties and securing a sustainable supply of raw materials. But challenging economic conditions impacted our ability to source locally3 in 2017. Because many of our impacts happen through our supply chain, we depend on our suppliers to help us improve supply chain standards. Ensuring compliance with the HEINEKEN Supplier Code is just the starting point for many suppliers as we raise our expectations across topics such as human and labour rights. 2020 Commitment Progress 2017 50% of raw materials sustainably sourced 60% local sourcing in Africa Compliance with Supplier Code Procedure 5 More than 80% of local raw materials are sourced domestically, with the remainder coming from other markets within the region. For more information about our progress in 2017: See pages 140-141

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 135