119 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (continued) 33. Related parties Identification of related parties Key management remuneration Executive Board - - - - Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 HEINEKEN's parent company is Heineken Holding N.V. HEINEKEN's ultimate controlling party is Mrs. de Carvalho-Heineken. Our shareholder structure is set out in the section 'Shareholder Information'. In addition, HEINEKEN has related party relationships with its associates and joint ventures (referto note 16), HEINEKEN pension funds (refer to note 26), Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de CV (FEMSA), employees (referto note 25) and with its key management personnel (the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board). Best practice provisions 2.7.3, 2.7.4 and 2.7.5 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code of 8 December 2016 have been observed where relevant in regard to transactions with related parties. In millionsof 2017 2016 Executive Board 13.3 13.0 Supervisory Board 1.0 1.0 Total 14.3 14.0 The remuneration of the members of the Executive Board consists of a fixed component and a variable component. The variable component is made up of a Short-term variable pay (STV) and a Long-term variable award (LTV). The STV is based on financial and operational measures (75%) and on individual leadership measures (25%) as set by the Supervisory Board. Forthe LTV award we referto note 27. The separate Remuneration Report is stated on pages 48-56. As at 31 December 2017, Mr. Jean-Franqois van Boxmeer held 240,695 Company shares and Mrs. Laurence Debroux held 11,829 Company shares (2016: Mr. Jean-Franqois van Boxmeer 217,276, Mrs. Laurence Debroux 7,069). 2017 2016 Inthousandsof J.F.M.L. van Boxmeer L. Debroux Total J.F.M.L. van Boxmeer L. Debroux Total Fixed salary 1,200 720 1,920 1,200 720 1,920 Short-Term Variable pay 2,736 1,173 3,909 3,360 1,440 4,800 Matching share entitlement 622 266 888 751 322 1,073 Long-Term Variable award 3,623 1,739 5,362 3,204 711 3,915 Extraordinary share award/Retention bonus 22 22 Pension contributions 858 142 1,000 944 139 1,083 Other emoluments 21 163 184 21 160 181 Total 9,060 4,203 13,263 9,480 3,514 12,994 The matching share entitlements for each year are based on the performance in that year. The Executive Board members receive 25% of their STV pay in (investment) shares. In addition they have the opportunity to indicate before year-end whether they wish to receive up to another 25% of their STV pay in (investment) shares. All (investment) shares are restricted for sale forfive calendar years, after which they are matched 1:1 by (matching) shares. For 201 7 the Executive Board members did not elect to receive additional (investment) shares, hence the 'Matching share entitlement' in the table above is based on a 25% investment. In 2016 the investment was 25% for both Executive Board members. From an accounting perspective the corresponding matching shares vest immediately and as such a fair value of €0.9 million was recognised in the 2017 income statement. The matching share entitlements are not dividend-bearing during the five calendar year holding period of the investment shares. Therefore, the fair value of the matching share entitlements has been adjusted for missed expected dividends by applying a discount based on the dividend policy and vesting period.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 120