109 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (continued) Impairment losses - - - Report of the Report of the 1 Financial 1 Sustainability Other Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board 1 Statements 1 Review Information Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2017 The maximum exposure to credit risk for trade and other receivables (excluding current derivatives) at the reporting date by geographic region was: In millions of 2017 2016 Europe 1,435 1,412 Americas 836 636 Africa, Middle East Eastern Europe 441 444 Asia Pacific 364 349 Head Office and Other/eliminations 201 163 3,277 3,004 The ageing of trade and other receivables (excluding current derivatives) at the reporting date was: In millions of Gross 2017 Impairment 2017 Gross 2016 Impairment 2016 Not past due 2,477 (46) 2,499 (32) Past due 0-30 days 487 (19) 238 (8) Past due 31 -120 days 255 (42) 263 (67) More than 120 days 511 (346) 452 (341) 3,730 (453) 3,452 (448) The movement in the allowance for impairment in as follows: respect of trade and other receivables (excluding current derivatives) during the year was In millions of 2017 2016 Balance as at 1 January 448 441 Changes in consolidation 55 Impairment loss recognised 105 106 Allowance used (45) (37) Allowance released (92) (49) Effect of movements in exchange rates (18) (13) Balance as at 31 December 453 448 The movement in the allowance for impairment in respect of loans and advances to customers during the year was as follows: In millions of 2017 2016* Balance as at 1 January 132 142 Changes in consolidation - - Impairment loss recognised 8 3 Allowance used (2) Allowance released (8) (9) Effect of movements in exchange rates (1) (4) Other 16 Balance as at 31 December 145 132 *Revised to reflect inclusion of advances to customers. Impairment losses recognised fortrade and other receivables (excluding current derivatives), loans and advances to customers are part of the other non-cash items in the consolidated statement of cash flows. A net impairment loss of €13 million (2016: €57 million) in respect of trade and other receivables and in respect of loans and advances to customers nil (2016: €7 million gain) were included in expenses for raw materials, consumables and services. The allowance accounts in respect of trade and other receivables and held-to-maturity investments are used to record impairment losses, unless HEINEKEN is satisfied that no recovery of the amount owing is possible; at that point, the amount considered irrecoverable is written off against the financial asset.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2017 | | pagina 110