106 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (continued) 26. Employee benefits (continued) Defined benefit plan assets - - - - - - - - Asset volatility Interest rate risk Heineken NV. Report of the Report of the Financial Sustainability Other Annual Report 2016 Introduction Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Review Information 2016 2015 In millions of EUR Quoted Unquoted Total Quoted Unquoted Total Equity instruments: Europe 1,092 1,092 746 746 Northern America 403 403 511 511 Japan 113 113 212 212 Asia other 47 47 153 153 Other 478 246 724 249 1 250 2,133 246 2,379 1,871 1 1,872 Debt instruments: Corporate bonds - investment grade 2,673 1,537 4,210 2,791 1,355 4,146 Corporate bonds - non-investment grade 297 102 399 131 178 309 2,970 1,639 4,609 2,922 1,533 4,455 Derivatives 10 (1,389) (1,379) 16 (1,229) (1,213) Properties and real estate 230 362 592 253 267 520 Cash and cash equivalents 180 116 296 195 47 242 Investment funds 711 350 1,061 1,219 292 1,511 Other plan assets 3 254 257 4 270 274 1,134 (307) 827 1,687 (353) 1,334 Balance as at 31 December 6,237 1,578 7,815 6,480 1,181 7,661 The HEINEKEN pension funds monitor the mix of debt and equity securities in their investment portfolios based on market expectations. Material investments within the portfolio are managed on an individual basis. Through its defined benefit pension plans, HEINEKEN is exposed to a number of risks, the most significant which are detailed below: The plan liabilities are calculated using a discount rate set with reference to corporate bond yields. If the return on the plan assets is less than the return on the liabilities implied by this assumption, this will create a deficit. Both the Netherlands and the UK plans hold a significant proportion of equities, which are expected to outperform corporate bonds in the long term, while providing volatility and risk in the short term. In the Netherlands, an Asset-Liability Matching (ALM) study is performed at least on a triennial basis. The ALM study is the basis for the strategic investment policies and the (long-term) strategic investment mix. This resulted in a strategic asset mix comprising 38% equity securities, 40% bonds, 7% property and real estate and 15% other investments. The objective is to hedge currency risk on the US dollar, Japanese yen and British pound for 50% of the equity exposure in the strategic investment mix. In the UK, an Asset-Liability Matching study is performed at least on a triennial basis. The ALM study is the basis for the strategic investment policies and the (long-term) strategic investment mix. This resulted in a strategic asset mix comprising 40% of plan assets in liability driven investments, 19% in absolute return, 20% in equities (global and emerging markets), 5.5% in alternatives and 15.5% in private markets. The objective is to hedge 100% of currency risk on developed non-GBP equity market exposures in the strategic investment mix. A decrease in corporate bond yields will increase plan liabilities, although this will be partially offset by an increase in the value of the plans' bond holdings. In the Netherlands, interest rate risk is partly managed through fixed income investments. These investments match the liabilities for 22.9% (2015: 22.7%). In the UK, interest rate risk is partly managed through the use of a mixture of fixed income investments and interest rate swap instruments. These investments and instruments match 28% of the interest rate sensitivity of the total liabilities (2015: 24.7%).

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2016 | | pagina 107