Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements continued - - - Reportofthe Reportofthe Financial Other Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Information The following table summarises the major classes of consideration transferred and the recognised provisional amounts of assets acguired and liabilities assumed at the acguisition date. In millions of EUR Lasko South Africa D&G and GAPL Cash and cash equivalents 2 16 42 Property, plant and equipment 103 257 114 Intangible assets 180 2 930 Inventories 19 55 33 Other assets 90 186 94 Assets acquired 394 516 1,213 Contingent liabilities 5 Short term liabilities 216 94 74 Long term liabilities 51 191 251 Liabilities assumed 267 285 330 Total net identifiable assets 127 231 883 In millions of EUR Consideration transferred 120 52 707 Fair value of previously held equity interest in the acquiree 165 356 Non-controlling interests 58 58 344 Net identifiable assets acquired (127) (231) (883) Goodwill on acquisition (provisional) 51 44 524 Acguisition-related costs of EUR7 million have been recognised in the income statement for the period ended 31 December 2015. The goodwill in each of the transactions is attributable to earnings beyond the period over which intangible assets are amortised, workforce, expected synergies and future customers. None of the goodwill amounts recognised are expected to be deductible for tax purposes. The goodwill related to D&G and GAPLhas been allocated to the group of CGU's Americas (EUR132 million) and Asia Pacific (EUR392 million). Non-controlling interests are measured based on their proportional interest in the recognised assets and liabilities of the acguired entities. In accordance with IFRS 3. the amounts recorded for the transactions are provisional and are subject to adjustments during the measurement period if new information is obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acguisition date and. if known, would have affected the measurement of the amounts recognised as of that date. The amounts are provisional mainly because of the timing of the acguisitions in the fourth guarter of 2015. The amount of revenue and profit or loss for the acguired companies after obtaining control amounts to EUR177 million and EUR20 million respectively. Would the acguisitions have taken place on 1 January 2015, revenue and profit for HEIN EKEN would have been EUR21.179 million and EUR2.184 million respectively. Mandatory General Offers ('MGO') were announced for Laskoand D&G non-controlling interest holders on 15 October 2015 and 17 November 2015 respectively. The subscription periods ended 15 January 2015 for Lasko and 21 January 2015 for D&G. Please refer to subseguent events note for further information on the acguired shares as part of the MGOs. Disposals Disposal of EMPAQUE The disposal of the Mexican packaging business EMPAQUE completed on 18 February 2015 for the value of USD1.225 billion (EUR955 million). A post-tax EUR379 million book gain on the disposal was recorded in Other Income. Disposal of Ghana As part of the transaction with Diageo to acguire their interest in D&G and GAPL, HEINEKEN sold its 20 per cent ownership in Heineken Ghanaian Holdings B.V. on 7 October 2015. The disposal resulted in a non-cash exceptional gain of EUR7 million recognised in Other income. 89 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2015

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