Remuneration Report continued Reportofthe Reportofthe Financial Other Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Information 2013-2015 Long-term variable award After 2015, the conditional performance shares granted in 2013 are subject to vesting. The vesting of the LTV award for performance period 2013-2015 is subject to Heineken N.V. performance on four financial measures with egual weights. The Supervisory Board determined the results against the pre-set targets (as recalibrated early 201 A) as follows: Organic Gross Profit beia Growth - at maximum performance Organic EBIT beia Growth - between target and maximum performance Earnings Per Share (EPS) beia Growth - at maximum performance Free Operating Cash Flow - between target and maximum performance As a result, the vesting of the LTV grant for performance period 2013-2015 will be egual to 171 per cent of the vesting at target level for both the CEO and the former CFO. The resulting share awards are defined in gross terms (i.e. before deduction of withholding tax due); the net number of shares awarded (i.e. after withholding tax due) remains blocked for an additional period of two years until 13 February 2018, also in case of resignation during that period, and also for the former CFO. Revision and clawback provisions apply to this award. The table below provides an overview, for the incumbent Executive Board members at year-end, of outstanding LTV awards (awards granted but not yet vested, or awards vested but still blocked) as of 31 December 2015: Grant date No. of shares conditionally granted at target level1 Value of shares conditionally granted as of the grant date in EUR Vesting date2 No. of shares vesting on the vesting date3 (before tax) No. of shares vesting on the vesting date"1 (after tax) End of blocking period Value of unvested or blocked shares as of 31.12.2015= in EUR Van Boxmeer 2015 29,263 1,942,771 02.2018 t.b.d. t.b.d. 02.2020 1,167,056 2014 35,147 1,662,805 02.2017 t.b.d. t.b.d. 02.2019 1,401,712 2013 34,179 1,877,452 02.2016 58,447 29,593 02.2018 2,331,041 2012 44,031 1,668,775 02.2015 57,681 29,205 02.2017 2,300,478 2011 42,927 1,617,489 02.2014 16,098 8,150 02.2016 641,976 Debroux 2015 11,857 787,186 02.2018 t.b.d. t.b.d. 02.2020 618,345 1 Determined according to plan rules, using the closing share price of 31 December of the year preceding the grant date. 2The vesting date is shortly after the publication of the financial statements after completion of the performance period. 3 Vested shares are disclosed in gross terms (i.e. before deduction of withholding tax due). 4 Vested shares are disclosed in net terms (i.e. after deduction of withholding tax due). 5The value for the grants in 2011,2012 and 2013 is based on the actual number of shares vesting on the vesting date after tax withholding, i.e. after applying the relevant income tax rate, whereas the value for the grants in 2014 and 2015 is based on the number of shares conditionally granted at target level (since the number of shares vesting is yet unknown) after applying the relevant income tax rate. The share price as of 31 December 2015 is EUR78.77. Extraordinary share awards and Retention share award The table below provides an overview, for the incumbent Executive Board members at year-end, of the outstanding Extraordinary share awards and the Retention share award as of 31 December 2015. The Retention share award to Mr. Jean-Frangois van Boxmeer vested in April 2015; a further three-year holding period will apply to this share award. The Extraordinary share award to Mr. Jean-Frangois van Boxmeer vested at grant in 2013; to this share award a five-year holding period applies as from grant. The Extraordinary share awards to Mrs. Laurence Debroux have been granted upon her appointment by the 2015 AGM as member of the Executive Board, in the role of CFO, as compensation for unvested and forfeited awards at her previous employer. Half of the share grant, i.e. 1,000 shares, vested immediately at grant date, whereas the other half will vest subject to her continued Executive Board membership one year later. Both share grants will be blocked for five years until 24 April 2020. 58 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2015

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2015 | | pagina 59