Corporate Governance Statement continued Contents Overview Report of the Executive Board Reportofthe Financial Other Supervisory Board Statements Information The Supervisory Board endorses the principle that the composition of the Supervisory Board is such that the members are able to act critically and independently of one another and of the Executive Board. Each Supervisory Board member is capable of assessing the broad outline of the overall strategy of the Company and its businesses and carrying out its duties properly. The majority of the Supervisory Board consists of 'independent' members within the meaning of best practice provision III.2.2 of the Code. Four of its members (i.e. Messrs. de Carvalho, Das. Fernandez Carbajal and Astaburuaga Sanjinés) do not meet the applicable criteria for being 'independent'. In this respect, it is relevant to note that the appointment of Messrs. Fernandez Carbajal and Astaburuaga Sanjinés is based on the contractual arrangements concluded between (among others) the Company and FEMSA in connection with the acguisition by the Company of FEMSA's beer activities in 2010; these arrangements were approved by the AGM on 22 April 2010. Best practice provision III.3.5 of the Code provides that a person may be appointed to the supervisory board for a maximum of three four-year terms. Flowever, in the interest of preserving the core values and the structure of the Company, this maximum term will not be applied to members of the Supervisory Board who are related by blood or marriage to the late Mr. A.H. Fleineken or to members who are also members of the Board of Directors of Fleineken FHolding N.V. The Supervisory Board has drawn up a rotation schedule in order to avoid, as far as possible, a situation in which many Supervisory Board members retire at the same time. The rotation schedule is available on our corporate website. The Act on Management and Supervision stipulates that supervisory boards of large Dutch public companies, such as Fleineken N.V, are deemed to have a balanced composition if they consist of at least 30 per cent female and 30 per cent male members. The Supervisory Board currently consists of eight male and two female members. The Supervisory Board will take the balanced composition reguirements into account when nominating and selecting new candidates for the Supervisory Board. Flowever. the Supervisory Board is of the opinion that gender is only one element of diversity, and that experience, background, knowledge, skills and insight are egually important and relevant criteria in selecting new members. Profile The Supervisory Board has prepared a profile of its size and composition, taking account of the nature of the business, its activities and the desired expertise and background of the Supervisory Board members. The profile deals with the aspects of diversity in the composition of the Supervisory Board that are relevant to the Company and states what specific objective is pursued by the Supervisory Board in relation to diversity. At least one member of the Supervisory Board shall be a financial expert with relevant knowledge and experience of financial administration and accounting for listed companies or other large legal entities. The composition of the Supervisory Board shall be such that it is able to carry out its duties properly. The profile is available on our corporate website. Regulations of the Supervisory Board The tasks and responsibilities, as well as internal procedural matters for the Supervisory Board, are addressed in the Regulations of the Supervisory Board, and are available on our corporate website. The Supervisory Board appoints from its members a Chairman (currently Mr. G.J. Wijers). The Chairman of the Supervisory Board may not be a former member of the Executive Board. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board determines the agenda, chairs the meetings of the Supervisory Board, ensures the proper functioning of the Supervisory Board and its Committees, arranges for the adeguate provision of information to its members and acts on behalf of the Supervisory Board as the main contact for the Executive Board and for shareholders regarding the functioning of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board members. The Chairman also ensures the orderly and efficient conduct of the AGM. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board is assisted in his role by the Company Secretary. All members of the Supervisory Board have access to the advice and services of the Company Secretary. The Company Secretary is responsible for ensuring that procedures are followed and that the Supervisory Board acts in accordance with its statutory obligations as well as its obligations under the Articles of Association. The Supervisory Board appoints from its members a Vice-Chairman (currently Mr. J.A. Fernandez Carbajal). The Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board acts as deputy for the Chairman. The Vice-Chairman acts as contact for individual Supervisory Board members and Executive Board members concerning the functioning of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. 38 Fleineken N.V. Annual Report 2015

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