Notes to the Heineken N.V. Financial Statements continued - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reportofthe Reportofthe Financial Other Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Information Other legal Reserve for Retained Shareholders' In millions of EUR reserve own shares earnings Net profit eguity Balance as at 1 January 2014 805 (41) 7,273 1,364 11,402 Profit 174 (174) 1,516 1,516 Other comprehensive income (352) 170 Total comprehensive income 174 (526) 1,516 1,686 Transfer to retained earnings (236) 1,600 (1,364) Dividends to shareholders (512) (512) Purchase/reissuance of own shares (33) (33) Own shares granted 4 (4) Share-based payments 47 47 Acquisition of non-controlling interests without a change in control (181) (181) Balance as at 31 December 2014 743 (70) 7,697 1,516 12,409 Balance as at 1 January 2015 743 (70) 7,697 1,516 12,409 Profit 186 (186) 1,892 1,892 Other comprehensive income 100 258 Total comprehensive income 186 (86) 1,892 2,150 Transfer to retained earnings (210) 1,726 (1,516) Dividends to shareholders (676) (676) Purchase/reissuance of own shares (384) (384) Own shares granted 22 (22) Share-based payments 32 32 Acquisition of non-controlling interests without a change in control 4 4 Balance as at 31 December 2015 719 (432) 8,675 1,892 13,535 For more details on reserves, refer to note 22 of the consolidated financial statements. For more details on share-based payments, refer to note 29 of the consolidated financial statements. 40. Loans and borrowings Non-current and current liabilities In millions of EUR 2015 Unsecured bond issues 9,625 8,734 Unsecured bank loans 106 104 Bank overdrafts and commercial papers 237 334 Other interest-bearing liabilities 1,183 1,107 Total interest-bearing liabilities 11,151 10,279 Non-current derivatives 3 Loans and borrowings 11,151 10,282 135 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2015

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2015 | | pagina 136