Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements continued Reportofthe Reportofthe Financial Other Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board Statements Information 25. Loans and borrowings This note provides information about the contractual terms of HEINEKEN's interest-bearing loans and borrowings. For more information about HEINEKEN's exposure to interest rate risk and foreign currency risk, refer to note 32. Non-current liabilities In millions of EUR Note 2015 Unsecured bond issues 9,269 7,802 Unsecured bank loans 126 481 Secured bank loans 38 45 Finance lease liabilities 26 10 10 Other non-current interest-bearing liabilities 1,183 1,153 Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 10,626 9,491 Non-current derivatives 32 8 Non-current liabilities 10,658 9,499 Current interest-bearing liabilities In millions of EUR Note 2015 Current portion of unsecured bonds issued 400 967 Current portion of unsecured bank loans 354 3 Current portion of secured bank loans 8 11 Current portion of finance lease liabilities 26 5 5 Current portion of other non-current interest-bearing liabilities 35 121 Total current portion of non-current interest-bearing liabilities 802 1,107 Deposits from third parties (mainly employee loans) 595 564 1,397 1,671 Bank overdrafts and commercial papers 21 542 595 Current interest-bearing liabilities 1,939 2,266 103 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2015

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2015 | | pagina 104