Chief Executive's Statement continued
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Report of the
Report of the
Executive Board
Supervisory Board
Our other global beer brands grew at double digit rates. Desperados,
Sol and Affligem were successfully launched in a further 18,10 and 11
countries respectively during the year. Our local champion brands,
such as Tecate, Zywiec and Tiger, continued their strong performance.
Around the world the cider opportunity continues to excite. It is a fast
growing category with large potential and HEINEKEN is the global
leader. We have successfully launched Strongbow Apple Ciders in five
new markets, created a number of flavour innovations for Strongbow
and Bulmers and brought storied brands such as Old Mout from
New Zealand into the dynamic UK cider market. We are not alone
in focusing on the cider category. This is good news. The more brands
that help tell the cider story the bigger the market for cider will become.
Marketer of the year
Part of our Company vision is to 'wow the world with our brands'.
As well as being a great brewer we are a brand building company.
So it was pleasing in November when the Cannes Lions International
Festival of Creativity named HEINEKEN Creative Marketer of the
Year 2015. The award celebrates creativity over time with a proven
business impact. This is a testament to the excellent work that is
being undertaken by our marketing community and the willingness
to push the boundaries and to take risks.
Playing our role in societal issues
At an industry level and in every market where we operate we are
engaging with concerned groups on issues that are associated with
the way we make our products, how we promote them and the way
they are enjoyed. Through our Brewing a Better World initiative we
are focusing on the areas where we can make the greatest impact.
Eleineken® continues to find ways to positively influence attitudes
towards excessive drinking. In a number of key markets we invested
10 per cent of the brand's media budget in the 'Sunrise' and 'Dance
More. Drink Slow' enjoy responsibly campaigns. At the same time we
are consistently finding ways to reduce the amount of energy and
water that is used to brew our products. As part of our commitment
to inclusive growth, our local sourcing activities, primarily in Africa,
are helping more than 100,000 farmers to invest in better processes,
increase their yields, generate new revenue streams and build better
lives for their families.
Approach bySABMiller
In September we were approached by SABMiller regarding a
potential acguisition of HEINEKEN. HEINEKEN consulted its controlling
shareholder, Heineken Holding N.V., and on that basis concluded that
the proposal was "non-actionable". The Heineken family, as the
ultimate controlling shareholder, expressed its intent to preserve the
heritage and identity of HEINEKEN as an independent company. This
decision reflects the confidence of the Heineken family and Heineken
N.V.'s management in our ability to continue delivering growth and
shareholder value. It has also reinforced our determination to continue
the focus on increasing effectiveness and efficiency across all aspects
of our business.
Thank you
As I do every year I want to thank all my colleagues around the
world for their professionalism and commitment. It is a privilege
to work with such a dynamic and diverse group and to lead this
exceptional Company. This year I want to pay a special tribute to
René Hooft Graafland. After a career spanning more than 30 years in
the Company and 13 years as an Executive Board member, René will
step down from the Executive Board in April 2015. His drive, intellect
and leadership have been invaluable in the transformation that the
Company has undergone in the past decade. Throughout our time
as colleagues I have valued his counsel and his friendship.
I would also like to thank everyone of our consumers who make the
choice to enjoy our brands, our business partners for their continuing
support and all our stakeholders for their input into what we do and
how we do it.
Jean-Franqois van Boxmeer
Chairman of the Executive Board/CEO
Amsterdam, 10 February 2015
Taking pride in our category
As brewers we have a responsibility to tell the full story of our
products. Not just the enjoyment that they bring to the vast majority
of people who choose to buy a beer or a cider, but the valuable role
the industry plays in many levels of society. The brewing industry
delivers significant economic value directly through the people it
employs and the businesses it partners with. It also contributes
indirectly, especially through the contribution it makes to the global
hospitality industry which is one of the largest employers of young
people starting out in the world. As an industry we have chosen to go
on the front foot, to engage with stakeholders and share our broader
story. This is an ongoing journey. It is one that HEINEKEN is fully
committed to and is taking a leadership role in.
Heineken N.V. Annual Report 201A