To the Shareholders Report of the Supervisory Board Report of the Report of the Financial Other Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board statements information During the year under review, the Supervisory Board performed its duties in accordance with primary and secondary legislation and the Articles of Association of Heineken N.V. and supervised and advised the Executive Board on an ongoing basis. Financial statements and profit appropriation The Supervisory Board hereby submits to the shareholders the financial statements and the report of the Executive Board for the financial year 2014, as prepared by the Executive Board and approved by the Supervisory Board in its meeting of 10 February 2015. KPMG Accountants N.V. audited the financial statements. Its report can be found on page 140 in the Other information section. The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders, in accordance with the Articles of Association, adopt these financial statements. The Company has decided to widen the pay-out range of the dividend policy to 30-40 per cent of net profit before exceptional items and amortisation of acguisition-related intangible assets (net profit beia). The former pay-out range was 30-35 per cent of net profit beia. The Executive Board shall propose to appropriate a total dividend of EUR632 million for 2014. The proposed dividend amounts to EUR1.10 per share of EUR1.60 nominal value, representing a pay-out of 35.9 per cent of net profit beia, of which EU R0.35 was paid as an interim dividend on 2 September 2014. The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders approve the proposed 2014 dividend pay-out. Supervisory Board composition, independence and remuneration Composition The Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 24 April 2014 appointed Mr. Jean-Marc Huët as a member of the Supervisory Board for a period of four years. Mr. Jean-Marc Huët became a member of the Audit Committee. Mr. J.M. de Jong stepped down as member of the Supervisory Board after the AGM on 24 April 2014. Mrs. Annemiek Fentener van Vlissingen and Messrs. J.A. Fernandez Carbajal and J.G. Astaburuaga Sanjinés were reappointed as members of the Supervisory Board for a period of four years. The Supervisory Board has a diverse composition in terms of experience, gender, nationality and age. Two out of 10 members are women and five out of 10 members are non-Dutch. There are five nationalities (American, Belgian, British, Dutch and Mexican) and age ranges between 45 and 70. The Supervisory Board is of the opinion that the present composition broadly reflects the markets HEINEKEN operates in. Inline with the Dutch Act on Management and Supervision (Wet bestuur en toezicht), the profile of the Supervisory Board states that the Supervisory Board shall pursue that at least 30 per cent of the seats shall be held by men and at least 30 per cent by women. Currently, 20 per cent of the Supervisory Board members are female. Diversity and gender are important drivers in the selection process. With reference thereto, the Supervisory Board will retain an active and open attitude as regards selecting female candidates, and has established a list of potential female candidates who will be considered should a vacancy in the Supervisory Board arise. The Supervisory Board notes that, in its opinion, gender is only one element of diversity, and that experience, background, knowledge, skills and insight are egually important and relevant criteria in selecting new members. Mr. Michel de Carvalho will resign by rotation from the Supervisory Board at the AGM on 23 April 2015. Mr. Michel de Carvalho is eligible for reappointment for a period of four years. A non-binding nomination for his reappointment will be submitted to the AGM. The notes to the agenda contain further information on the proposed reappointment. Independence The Supervisory Board endorses the principle that the composition of the Supervisory Board shall be such that its members are able to act critically and independently of one another and of the Executive Board and any particular interests. In a strictly formal sense, Messrs. Astaburuaga Sanjinés, de Carvalho, Das and Fernandez Carbajal do not meet the applicable criteria for 'independence' as set out in the Dutch Corporate Governance Code dated 10 December 2008. However, the Supervisory Board has ascertained that Messrs. Astaburuaga Sanjinés, de Carvalho, Das and Fernandez Carbajal in fact act critically and independently. Remuneration The AGM determines the remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board. In 2011, the AGM resolved to adjust the remuneration of the Supervisory Board effective 1 January 2011. The detailed amounts are stated in the notes to the financial statements. 45 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2014

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