Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued - - Report of the Report of the Financial Other Contents Overview Executive Board Supervisory Board statements information 33. Off-balance sheet commitments In millions of EUR Total 2014 Less than 1 year 1-5 years More than 5 years Total 2013 Lease and operational lease commitments 993 155 319 519 701 Property, plant and equipment ordered 158 154 4 160 Raw materials purchase contracts 3,400 1,396 1,766 238 4,526 Other off-balance sheet obligations 2,008 530 913 565 2,279 Off-balance sheet obligations 6,559 2,235 3,002 1,322 7,666 Undrawn committed bank facilities 2,871 5 2,866 2,397 HEINEKEN leases buildings, cars and equipment in the ordinary course of business. Raw material contracts include long-term purchase contracts with suppliers in which prices are fixed or will be agreed based upon predefined price formulas. These contracts mainly relate to malt, bottles and cans. During the year ended 31 December 2014, EUR291 million (2013: EUR282 million) was recognised as an expense in profit or loss in respect of operating leases and rent. Other off-balance sheet obligations mainly include distribution, rental, service and sponsorship contracts. Committed bank facilities are credit facilities on which a commitment fee is paid as compensation for the bank's requirement to reserve capital. The bank is legally obliged to provide the facility under the terms and conditions of the agreement. 34. Contingencies As part of the acquisition of the beer operations of FEMSA in 2010, HEINEKEN inherited existing legal proceedings with labour unions, tax authorities and other parties of its, now wholly-owned, subsidiaries Cervejarias Kaiser Brasil and Cervejarias Kaiser Nordeste (jointly, Heineken Brasil). The proceedings have arisen in the ordinary course of business and are common to the current economic and legal environment of Brazil. The proceedings have partly been provided for (refer to note 30). The contingent amount being claimed against Heineken Brasil resulting from such proceedings as at 31 December 2014 is EUR620 million. Such contingencies were classified by legal counsel as less than probable of being settled against Heineken Brasil, but more than remote. However, HEINEKEN believes that the ultimate resolution of such legal proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on its consolidated financial position or result of operations. HEINEKEN does not expect any significant liability to arise from these contingencies. A significant part of the aforementioned contingencies (EUR355 million) is tax-related and qualifies for indemnification by FEMSA (refer to note 17). As is customary in Brazil, Heineken Brasil has been requested by the tax authorities to collateralise tax contingencies currently in litigation amounting to EUR399 million by either pledging fixed assets or entering into available lines of credit which cover such contingencies. 124 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2014

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

Jaarverslagen | 2014 | | pagina 126