- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Contents Overview Report of the Executive Board Report of the Supervisory Board Financial statements Other information Commodity price risk Commodity price risk is the risk that changes in commodity prices will affect HEINEKEN's income. The objective of commodity price risk management is to manage and control commodity risk exposures within acceptable parameters, while optimising the return on risk. The main commodity exposure relates to the purchase of cans, glass bottles, malt and utilities. Commodity price risk is in principle addressed by negotiating fixed prices in supplier contracts with various contract durations. So far, commodity hedging with financial counterparties by HEINEKEN has been limited to aluminium hedging and to a limited extent gas and grains hedging, which are done in accordance with risk policies. HEINEKEN does notenter into commodity contracts other than to meet El EIN EKEN's expected usage and sale reguirements. As at 31 December 2014, the market value of commodity swaps was EUR10 million negative (2013: EUR26 million negative). Sensitivity analysis for aluminium hedges The table below shows an estimated impact of 10 per cent change in the market price of aluminium. Equity 10 per cent 10 per cent In millions of EUR increase decrease 31 December 2014 Aluminium hedges 34 (34) Cash flow hedges The following table indicates the periods in which the cash flows associated with derivatives that are cash flow hedges are expected to occur: 2014 Carrying Expected cash Less than More than In millions of EUR amount flows 1 year 1 -2 years 2-5 years 5 years Interest rate swaps: Assets 166 1,701 605 82 1,014 Liabilities (3) (1,463) (509) (70) (884) Forward exchange contracts: Assets 24 1,541 1,394 147 Liabilities (88) (1,607) (1,454) (153) Commodity derivatives: Assets 5 9 6 2 1 Liabilities (15) (19) (13) (5) (1) 89 162 29 3 130 The periods in which the cash flows associated with forward exchange contracts that are cash flow hedges are expected to impact profit or loss is on average two months earlier than the occurrence of the cash flows as in the above table. 2013 In millions of EUR Carrying amount Expected cash flows Less than 1 year 1 -2 years 2-5 years More than 5 years Interest rate swaps: Assets 63 1,607 79 561 967 Liabilities (45) (1,543) (79) (509) (955) Forward exchange contracts: Assets 39 643 530 113 Liabilities (4) (607) (496) (111) Commodity derivatives: Assets Liabilities (26) (26) (24) (2) 27 74 10 52 12 121 Eleineken N.V. Annual Report 2014

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Jaarverslagen | 2014 | | pagina 123