Notes to the consolidated financial statements continued - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Contents Overview Report of the Executive Board Report of the Supervisory Board Financial statements Other information 25. Loans and borrowings Net interest-bearing debt position In millions of EUR Note 2014 2013 Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 9,491 9,797 Current portion of non-current interest-bearing liabilities 1,107 1,652 Deposits from third parties (mainly employee loans) 564 543 11,162 11,992 Bank overdrafts 21 595 178 11,757 12,170 Cash, cash equivalents and current other investments 17/21 (681) (1,302) Net interest-bearing debt position 11,076 10,868 Non-current liabilities In millions of EUR Unsecured bond issues Unsecured bank loans Secured bank loans Finance lease liabilities Other non-current interest- bearing liabilities Non-current derivatives Non-current non- interest- bearing liabilities Total Balance as at 1 January 2014 8,083 422 16 5 1,271 47 9 9,853 Consolidation changes (6) (6) Effect of movements in exchange rates 12 9 2 5 2 1 31 Transfers to current liabilities (916) (4) (8) (3) (353) (2) (3) (1,289) Charge to/(from) equity in relation to derivatives 31 117 (1) 147 Proceeds 355 521 33 1 110 1,020 Repayments (137) (476) 3 (3) (613) Other 374 9 2 7 6 (38) (4) 356 Balance as at 31 December 2014 7,802 481 45 10 1,153 8 9,499 102 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2014

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Jaarverslagen | 2014 | | pagina 104