Corporate Governance Statement continued Contents Overview Report of the Executive Board Report of the Supervisory Board Financial statements Other information Appointment and dismissal of Supervisory and Executive Board members Members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board are appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders on the basis of a non-binding nomination bythe Supervisory Board. The General Meeting of Shareholders can dismiss members of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board by a majority of the votes cast, if the subject majority at least represents one-third of the issued capital. Amendment of the Articles of Association The Articles of Association can be amended by resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders in which at least half of the issued capital is represented and exclusively either at the proposal of the Supervisory Board or at the proposal of the Executive Board that has been approved by the Supervisory Board, or at the proposal of one or more shareholders representing at least half of the issued capital. Acquisition of own shares On 25 April 2013, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders authorised the Executive Board (for the statutory maximum period of 18 months) to acquire own shares subject to the following conditions and with due observance of the law and the Articles of Association (which require the approval of the Supervisory Board): The maximum number of shares which may be acquired is 10 per cent of the issued share capital of Heineken N.V. Transactions must be executed at a price between the nominal value of the shares and 110 per cent of the opening price quoted for the shares in the Official Price List (Officiële Prijscourant) of Euronext Amsterdam on the date of the transaction or, in the absence of such a price, the latest price quoted therein. Transactions may be executed on the stock exchange or otherwise. The authorisation may be used in connection with the LTV for the members of the Executive Board and the LTV for senior management, but may also serve other purposes, such as other acquisitions. A new authorisation will be submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 24 April 2014. Issue of shares On 25 April 2013, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders also authorised the Executive Board (for a period of 18 months) to issue shares or grant rights to subscribe for shares and to restrict or exclude shareholders' pre-emption rights, with due observance of the law and Articles of Association (which require the approval of the Supervisory Board). The authorisation is limited to 10 per cent of Heineken N.V.'s issued share capital, as per the date of issue. The authorisation may be used in connection with the LTV for the members of the Executive Board and the LTV for senior management, but may also serve other purposes, such as acquisitions. A new authorisation will be submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 24 April 2014. Statement of the Executive Board In accordance with best practice provision II.1.5 of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code of December 2008, we are of the opinion that, in respect of financial reporting risks, the internal risk management and control system, as described in the Risk Management section of this Annual Report 2013: provides a reasonable level of assurance that the financial reporting in this Annual Report 2013 does not contain any errors of material importance; and hasworked properlyduringtheyear2013. It should be noted that the foregoing does not imply that this system and these procedures provide absolute assurance as to the realisation of operational and strategic business objectives, or that they can prevent all misstatements, inaccuracies, errors, fraud and non-compliance with legislation, rules and regulations. For a detailed description of the risk management system and the principal risks identified, please refer to the Risk Management section. In accordance with Article 5:25c paragraph 2 sub c of the Financial Markets Supervision Act, we confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, 1°. thefinancial statements in this Annual Report 2013 give a true and fair view of our assets and liabilities, our financial position at 31 December 2013, and the results of our consolidated operations for the financial year 2013; and 2°. the Report of the Executive Board includes a fair review of the position at 31 December 2013 and the development and performance during the financial year 2013 of Heineken N.V. and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, and describes the principal risks that Heineken N.V. faces. This statement cannot be construed as a statement in accordance with the requirements of Section 404 of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which is not applicable to Heineken N.V. Executive Board J.F.M.L. van Boxmeer D.R. Hooft Graafland Amsterdam, 11 February 2014 Heineken N.V. Annual Report 2013

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